Chapter 17

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 It felt like a lifetime before I heard a ruckus outside the door. Trey moved to grab me around the waist and place a gun to my head as the door swung open and Jason entered. My heart stopped. I know it sounds crazy, but the moment our eyes met, I felt like everything would be okay. Sweat dripped from his hair and his breathing was rough, evidence of the fighting he’d had to do to get to us. I saw the love pouring from his concerned eyes before they narrowed as he aimed his own gun at Trey.

"Let her go." Jason practically growled, muttering through his teeth. I could feel Trey smile as he tightened his hold on my waist.

"I'm the one calling the shots here Jace. So you can just set your gun down and kick it towards me and we'll talk. Agree?" Trey said.

"And if I don’t agree?" Jason countered, taking a step closer to us.

"How about if you don't do as I say, your brother bleeds to death and your little girlfriend follows him into the afterlife." Trey menaced. I saw Jason's eyes widened as he finally noticed Aiden’s poor condition and grudgingly nodded to Trey in agreement. Jason dropped his gun and kicked it over to where Trey and I were standing. Trey went to pick up the gun and I took that as an oppurtunity to escape from his hold and run to Jason. Jason hugged me fiercely before letting go and swinging me behind him. Trey growled in frustration.

"Aiden can leave. Paramedics will be waiting for him on the bottom floor…if he can make it that far. But you must take his place Jason, got it?"

"Fine." Jason agreed as two huge guys came in and roughly carried Aiden out of the room. Aiden looked at me and mouthed that he was okay just before the doors shut, but after seeing him lose so much blood, I just couldn't believe him.

"Alright, now that it’s just us four, we can get down to business." Trey said with a twisted grin in my direction. "Blair, I'm going to let you decide who is going to live in this lovely little game. As much as I'd like to shoot both of them, well, where's the fun in that? No, you get to choose Blair."

"No, I won't." I said angrily, meeting Trey's gleaming eyes.

"Oh yes you will Blair. Now tell me, who’s going to live, your loyal, loving boyfriend or your dirty little secret?" He asked gesturing to Logan, before shooting Jason a smirk.

Jason turned to look down at me, knowing that Trey wouldn't try anything until he finished his little game. "What is he talking about Blair?"

"Uh what do you mean?" I asked, not able to meet his eyes, as an almost debilitating sense of fear enveloped me.

"Blair, look at me." He whispered, lifting my chin up with his fingertips, his dark eyes reading my guilty ones. "You slept with him didn't you?" I just nodded, my eyes filling up with tears. Jason looked at me with an unreadable expression before suddenly walking over to Logan who was bound on the floor and kicking him in the stomach. Logan coughed out before he was punched in the face by Jason, causing blood to pour from Logan’s newly broken nose. Logan struggled against his binds but otherwise he made no sounds as Jason continued to kick and punch him until I yelled out.

"Jason, stop! It's me you should be mad at. Don't hurt him, please." I pleaded, my voice growing weaker as tears started pouring down my face. I had ruined everything; I had hurt so many people. If we were going to place Trey’s stupid game then I should be the one to die, not them. I couldn’t stand to hurt them more than I already had.

"Why should he stop Blair?" Trey asked. "It's not like you have feelings for Logan, do you?" Trey continued causing Jason to pause and look at me. I felt everyone's eyes on me, but I continued to stare back at Trey. He absolutely disgusted me. I could feel the anger running through me, causing the tears to stop falling and a deadly silence to fill the room. I started fumbling with the ropes around my wrist as I spoke directly to Trey, walking over to him.

"I don't have to tell you who I care about or who I love or anything about myself. You just wanted one question answered, right?" I spat angrily as I slipped off the ropes from around my wrists. Trey was too focused on the fact that I was walking towards him to notice. "Then fine. I have my decision." I concluded when I just a few inches away from Trey.

"Well then, what is it?" Trey asked, raising an eyebrow seeming pleased with his self. His arrogance sent my anger off the edge as I readied myself.

"You." I said simply. In one quick motion I went to grab his gun. One of his hands clamped down on mine, causing me to accidently pull the trigger sending a shot rocketing off the wall. Grabbing the gun with both hands, I spun around, using my weight to yank the gun from his grasp. I thought about it for a split second before shooting him. Trey looked at me in shock as he fell to the ground, grabbing his bleeding side.

"Why, Blair?" He asked so quietly that I knew I was the only one who could hear him.

"Because you gave me no choice. I'm not sorry though." I whispered back to him before shooting him once more straight into his heart. He was dead in a matter of seconds. Just like that. It was over. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, chills running through my body as I looked at what I had done. It was over. Trey was dead. His obsession with me could never hurt anyone again. The adrenaline was making my hands shake, and I knew I couldn't stand still much longer. I had to move. I had to get away from it all. So, I did the only thing I could do. I ran. I faintly recall someone calling my name, but for the life of me, I couldn't tell if it was Jason or Logan.

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