Chapter 6

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The sound of arguing voices awoke me from whatever sleep I was in. I winced as every bone in my body felt like it was on fire. I wanted to scream but I thought it would take too much effort. I was currently lying on a bed that I guess would be comfortable if I didn't feel like my body was one giant bruise.

"Why the Hell was she alone! I gave you one task and that was to watch her when I wasn't with her." A deep voice yelled in the distance.

"I know, it’s just…" Another low voice muttered in the background. For some reason this person's voice made my heart start beating faster...I just couldn't place the voice in my head right now.

"Just what Jason? I could have lost her! I almost did!" It all came rushing back to me, making my head spin faster. I had gotten into an argument with Jason then ran out...then I was hit...then...what?

"Aiden, I'm sorry. You have to know that I would never let her get hurt."

"Well take a look Jason, I think she's hurt! God she's still not even consious and it's been what three hours?" I’d been out for three hours?

"Aiden..." I whispered. I couldn't open my eyes yet, but I could feel Aiden grab my hand tightly.

"Blair sweetheart? Are you awake?"

"Don't...don't be mad at Jason. My fault." I whispered again, frustrated that I couldn't I open my eyes.

"It's not your fault sweetheart. How are you feeling?" He said rubbing my cheek softly. I winced.

"Sorry." He muttered before he stopped.

"I'd feel better if you stopped yelling at Jason. It's really not his fault. I'm the idiot who ran away." I said my voice sounding a little stronger. Since my eyes were still closed, I couldn't see that Aiden's jaw had tightened and that he was glaring at Jason.

"Why did you run away, Blair? He was supposed to be protecting you." He said with a hint of sarcasm. Very, slowly I was able to open my eyes. I looked up to meet Aiden’s bright, worried green eyes waiting for me to answer his question. But it was an answer that he wouldn't want to hear and that I wasn't ready to say just yet. So instead, I ignored the question and looked over to see a dark figure standing in the corner of the room. He was standing just outside the bright light that I was laying under.

"Jason?" I questioned.

"Aiden, do you mind if I talk to Blair alone for a minute?" He asked still standing in the shadows, but taking a step forward.

"Please, Aiden." I added since Aiden didn't look exactly happy about this.

"You have exactly two minutes, and then realize that I'm not letting Blair out of my sight for a long time." He stated before striding out of the room and slamming the door, making my head spin again. Jason walked slowly to my side, knelt down and buried his face in his hands. I realized then that the reason he had been standing in the shadows was because he was crying.

"Jason? What's wrong?" I asked trying to touch him, it cost me dearly since every movement sent lightening bolts of pain up my body, but I pulled his hands away from his face.

"Blair. I almost lost you." He said, tears still streaming down his face.

"But you didn't, I'm here." I said touching the side of his face, wiping away the tears. His black eyes looked so sad; I felt tears spring to my own eyes.

"It was so close Blair...if Aiden wasn't there..."

"Jason, stop blaming yourself. I'm here and alive! See!" I said faking a smile.

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