Chapter 16

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Weeks passed with little word from Jason or Aiden. From what little news we did receive, everything seemed to be going well. Trey’s corporation was falling apart piece by piece. The only remaining hindrance seemed to be Trey himself. Unfortunately Trey was rarely in public, forgoing his home and staying safely hidden within the walls of his property on 5th Street. It was uncertain how much time it would take for Aiden and Jason to be able to penetrate the building and take down Trey. A small part of me was beginning to doubt if they would be able to end this. Would I have to live the rest of my life in permanent fear of Trey’s persecution? The idea literally made me shiver out of fear.

            Whenever my fears and worries began to take over, I was glad that I hard Logan to turn to. He’s been my rock over these past few weeks. With a simple kiss or a quick joke he could make my anxieties fade away. Right now, I ached for his touch. Jason had called yesterday to remind me that he was doing fine and not to worry, but something in his voice had sounded off. Since then I have been little more than a nervous wreck. I was standing in the kitchen, looking out the window when I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist.

            “Everything is going to be fine.” Logan reassured me, for what must have been the thousandth time today.

            “How can you be sure?” I wondered, turning around to place my own arms around Logan’s neck.

            “Because I am.” He smirked.

            “That’s not a reason.” I scowled teasingly.

            “Sure it is.” He shrugged, before lowering his head and planting a soft kiss on my lips. He pulled away only to have me pull him right back. I didn’t want to lose this feeling. I didn’t want to worry anymore. I eagerly pressed my body against his, kissing him more deeply. I could hear Logan moan softly as I ran a hand down his chest, tugging at the waist band of his jeans.

            “Blair, we have to stop or else I’m not going to be able to stop myself.” He panted, resting his forehead against mine.

            “Then don’t.” I pleaded, overcome by need. Logan met my intense gaze, a myriad of emotions passing through his eyes before he smiled. In one fell swoop he picked me up, carrying me bridal-style into the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind us, closing us off from the rest of the world as we made love until dawn.

Jason's POV:

            "Why hasn't Logan answered his phone?" I asked frustrated looking helplessly at Aiden. I had lied to Blair yesterday when I told her I was doing fine. In reality I was a wreck; being apart from her again was killing me.

"Maybe he's trying to get a good night's sleep like we should be doing." Aiden reasoned, trying to placate me. It didn’t work.

"I don't like it Aiden. Maybe I should go up and check on them." I suggested, getting excited at the idea of seeing Blair.

"No you can't and you know why. Trey has everyone watch your next move. You can't afford the chance of being accidently seen and risking Blair’s safety." Aiden said, crushing what little hope had built up inside of me. I narrowed my eyes to glare at him when another idea struck me.

"You could go. You could check on Blair and make sure she's alright. It's nearly dawn and Trey knows you only work at night. You'd be able to sneak out of the city without a problem.”

“Blair is fine. She’s with Logan, far away from this mess.”

“Aiden, please? I just have this feeling that something's wrong. I mean why would Logan not answer his phone? He’s usually practically glued to that thing."

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