Chapter 1- My Little Crush

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Connors POV

I have never held a secret to myself this long and its killing me! I am in love with one of my friends and it's crazy! Only Tyler Oakley knows and I am terrified that he might spill and I dont want that to happen. The day I told him I liked Troye Sivan is the day my whole life changed. 

Me- Hey Tyler, I have something to tell you.

Tyler- What is it?

Me- Promise not to tell anyone?

Tyler- I promise. What is it?

Me- You know how I came out a few weeks ago? Well I think I like Troye.

Tyler- Well good for you. I support you 100% and I wont tell anyone.

Me- Tyler I swear! Do not tell ANYONE!

Tyler- I wont but, if you piss me off then I will.

Me- Ok.

After I told Tyler I went home and skyped Troye. We talked for a while then, Tyler called him and I just said we will talk later. The whole time we were skyping I was blushing but it was too dark in my room for him to notice so I was kinda happy, I saw him for like and hour and a half and that was good enough. Tyler and I have been talking for a while about going to England to see all of our friends and see if Troye wanted to go so we can all see each other. 

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