Chpt 27- Future together?

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Narrator POV

Connor was being his normal self by doing what he does, drinking coffee and taking pictures but that was rudely interrupted by a phone call from Tyler. He thought it was going to be a call where they yell at each other, so he declined and continued taking pictures, while Troye was getting ready for the day by taking a shower and listening to his new song that just came out called "Heaven." They had many plans for the day: going to the movies, walking around a lake, going shopping and most of all, having fun. They did not tell anyone what they were doing because they did not want it to get back to Tyler.

For the longest time Connor and Troye have been debating whether or not they should tell their fans, and it always came back to yes, because their fans love them together or no, because it will seem like they want attention.

It came down to them telling their fans before they left for their plans because they did not feel like keeping it from them anymore. Once they did this it was the most amazing thing they did as a couple and they enjoyed it. They got a little hate from fans who thought that Troye should be Tyler but they just ignored it and moved on. They went on with their day, with the occasional being stopped and asked to take pictures and congratulate them.

They loved that their fans were supportive but Troye did not want to keep shutting Tyler out. He wanted to make peace with him but that was not going to be easy.

First he had to unblock him from all his social media. Text or call him to apologize and hope for the best, but that was not the case. Troye called Tyler and apologized but Tyler wanted to hear it from Connor.

Connor on the other hand still was not ready to forgive Tyler. He still did not like that he was accused of taking the person whom Tyler liked when he did not know. So he went on ignoring Tyler until he was ready to forgive him, which was not going to be a very soon.

Connor wanted Tyler to apologize for wrongfully accusing him for taking Troye from him but Tyler did not want to until Connor apologize first.

This was going to be a long journey for all three of them. And they do not know how it is going to end or do they?


Here is an update. It is a little longer than the others but that is good right?

Hope this chapter is good. If you like it remember to like and share it to your friends.


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