Initiation Rites

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Yesterday, I got the opportunity to step higher in the social hierarchy of our school.
Tonight is the night where I enter a new and (hopefully) better world.
Tomorrow will be the start of quenching my 'thirst'.

This is it.

I heard the door of the van open. Finally, I think we reached our destination. With my blindfold still on, my new 'friend' guided me so I won't stumble in the dark. We are going to their 'Headquarters', as what they like to call it. I imagined it to be a large bungalow house—a stereotypical party place for high class students, complete with a front yard and a pool area at the back. Well, I do hope it looks just like that. I really don't fancy entering an isolated cabin in the woods or a towering skyscraper deep within the city (although the latter is really unlikely, despite how 'wealthy' these people are).

Oddly, I'm as excited as a virgin girl about to get her 'first time' with a cute guy which, knowing the background of the sorority isn't really impossible.

"We are finally here, girl." my guide whispered on my right ear. She sat me down on what seems to be a metal chair before putting my arms to its back and tying it with some ropes.

Someone removed the blindfold from my face, letting me see my surroundings. At first, I winced because of the sudden entrance of light in my eyes and the long dormancy of my eyes beneath my blindfold but soon enough, my eyes adjusted to it. I found myself in what appears to be someone's old attic (or basement; I can't tell either way), as hinted by the amount of timeworn stuff in the room covered with dust.

The source of light which hung idly at the ceiling—a crappy incandescent light bulb—appears as aged as any other equipment present in the place, like the old compact television in front of me, hooked with a VHS cassette reader. I found myself surrounded by probably all the members of the sorority, leaving a circle of space for me, the TV and my guide, Chastity. Finally, the Aussie with brown curls who accompanied me throughout my journey all the way here spoke.

"Welcome to the initiation rites, dear recruit. You're a brave one, darling. What's your name again?" she spoke with her voice that seemed to lull me to sleep and jolt me awake at the same time; her voice sounded so slow and soothing yet so intimidating as well.

"K-karen. My n-name's Karen." I managed to jumble out words despite my nervousness. I've been talking with her for quite some time already, but this time is entirely different from our encounters before. She had a...different aura compared before.

"I know you already know me, but let us perform some proper introductions. My name is Chastity. Basically, I'm the leader and founder of this organization. Girls?" she said, looking around before proceeding. An ironic name for a lustful girl.

"This is Karen, the only one brave enough to join us in this school year. You see, Karen, the number of people joining us are getting pretty low. We need you to help us continue our legacy. That is, if you survive our initiation rites. Are you ready?" She asked as she tucked a strand of her curly her behind her left ear.

I swallowed hard before nodding in response; I was completely nervous that I couldn't even utter a single word.

"Wonderful!" She clapped her hands in excitement while grinning widely before returning to her intimidating composure. She snapped her fingers, signaling the other members to leave the place by climbing down a staircase (so maybe my guess is right and I'm in an attic).

"I know why you want to join us, Karen." She said coldly, the smile on her face completely gone.

"Y-you do?" I asked, almost in a whisper.

Second Battle: LustTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon