Chapter 2- "Monster..."

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(Donnie's P.O.V)

I hugged Mikey a while after he said that. And suddenly the voices where gone. For once it was quiet! I smiled a bit and looked in his eyes. But Raph and Leo looked at me like they would want to kill me. That scared me and my smile faded away. I looked to the ground. Mikey hugged me tight. "Sshh...Donnie...Everything's alright" - "how can everything be alright? I'm I'm... insane!" small tears formed in my eyes. "And they don't trust me" I pointed to Raph and Leo. Then Leo spoke "Don...we do trust you...but I don't understand...what you have..." I looked into his eyes. "I have schizophrenia it's a rare sickness which causes to hear voices and see things and persons others don't see...or can hear..." I said. "But...then, why do you know that...isn't that a thing that's in the brain..?" bevor I could answer Raph spoke. "No Leo it isn't. It is a miss building in the brain, yes, but he's completely normal expect that...the brain works completely ok. Just one part isn't in his right mind." Leo gasped, just like I too. "How do you-"I began but he stopped me and spoke "Donnie, like I just said, I know what you have, I googled your symptoms 3 years ago..." I nodded and looked to my feet. "I don't want this anymore...I want to be normal... like you guys..." - "I understand you D, you will find a cure..." I looked at Mikey who just said that. "There isn't any cure Mikey! I will have to life like that forever, there isn't any cure!" I shove Mikey away and got angry. "I tried to stop my life! Raph knows! Just that you can have a safe life!" I looked to Raph and he got pale. "Donnie. Calm-"Leo said but I got angrier. "SHUT UP!" I screamed. "I though you understand me now, but still not!" - "Donnie..." Mikey said, but I went out of the kitchen into the Livingroom. With my brothers following me. I didn't care, I walked further and they wanted to stop me and talk to me. But suddenly the voices came back as fast as they were gone. "KILL THEM, KILL YOURSELF, YOUR STUPID, HIDEAUS, FREAK! MONSTER!" I Broke down to my knees and held my head. "G...go away!" I said. My brothers stopped walking and stood behind me. I cried. "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I still was on my knees as master Splinter came from the Dojo. "What is going on in here?!" My brothers shrugged and just stood there. He came to me. "Donatello, my son? What is wrong?" I looked him into the eyes. "Oh I will tell ya what's wrong Splinter!" I stood up, I lost control of myself. I grinned evilly. They looked at me terrified. "D...Donnie?" Leo asked in the background with a shaky voice. "First of all" I started with taking my purple mask of. "I'm not this." I threw the mask away. "Second, I'm not your brother...and most importantly, IM NOT YOUR SON!" they all gasped. " can you say such a thing? We are a family..." splinter got tears in his eyes. And my all so called brothers stared at me in disbelieve. Then I talked again. "And third of all, y'all think I'm weak, but that isn't true...I'm strong!" I took of the wrappings from my wrists. So they could see all the scars. Mikey broke down and cried, Leo and Raph were also close to do the same. But they supported him instead. Master splinter had also tears in his eyes. "My son I-"- "IM NOT YOUR DAMN SON!" I interrupted him. He stepped a little backwards. And talked. "I didn't knew truly sorry I did not helped you with your depression..." this....this is it! "ARE YOU NOW FULLY DUMB!? I CANT BELIEVE I JUST HEARD THAT!? I REALLY DON'T MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU!" voices in my head where freaking out. They tell me to kill, to turn my back on them. "Donatello...I didn't meant that! We all love you" I rolled my eyes. "That doesn't matter anymore, I HATE YOU!!" I kicked him into the stomach and made him fall backwards. He is hurt, on the outside and on the inside. The other turtles, now not my brothers anymore ran towards him and sat splinter up. Raph aimed at me and wanted to hit me with his Sai. But I quickly docked it and threw him across the room. "TOLD YOU, IM NOT WEAK!" Leo stood up and also aimed at me like Raph a minute ago. Mikey sat right by splinters right side and cried into his shoulder. Leo attacked me with his Katanas first. He cuted me into my arm by accident. "Oh...god s...sorry Donnie..." he said after blood dripped down my arm. "I don't think you are!" I kicked the Katanas out of his hands, they landed close by Raph. He growled and stood up. Aimed at me and kicked me in the back. I fell, but stood up again. "Try again..." I said with a smirk, he got angrier. And aimed again at me. I just stood there, until he was close enough I pulled out a knife that was hidden in my belt and stabbed it into his shoulder. He cried out in pain and felt on the ground. "Please stop!" Mikey yelled, but I shook my head, "it has only begun..." I smirked again evilly Leo hurried to Raph and took him away from my side. "Monster..." he said. I glared at him. "I knew it! You've always thought about that of me!" I turned around. "But now... never mind. I'm leaving! Have a wonderful life!" I walked slowly away and whispered for me, "in hell..." I ran as fast as I could out of my old home and on the rooftops. I bereaved in the fresh air and ran further. Until I reached the lair of the Foot...


Hey guys, Tori here, how do you like the story so far? ^^

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