Chapter 3- "I want to join the Foot-clan"

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(Leo's P.O.V)

I watched as Donnie ran away. could he do that?! I looked at Raph who was moaning in pain. (Not the dirty way HAHA) I held him in my lap and tried to calm him down, it helped. But he was in pain, I could see that. Sensei and Mikey came to me and Raph, Mikey still crying and Splinter heartbroken. "Let me help Raphael my son" splinter said, I nodded and he took Raph from me and held him close to himself. He carried him into his room and closed the door. Poor Raph... I though. I looked to Mikey who still was crying and hugged him. "Everything will be alright Mikey..." he hugged me tight and nodded slowly...

(Donnie's P.O.V)

I climbed into the building of the Foot and Shredder. I was in the throne Sal and saw shredder sitting in his throne. I jumped down and stood underneath the stairs which lead to him. "Hello Shredder" he stood up rapidly and wanted to call for his foot bots. But I interrupted him. "Hey, stop listen up! I don't want to fight you anymore. You're much stronger than this stupid rat and his sons" I laughed a little. He came closer to me. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" – "shish calm down!" he held his knifes at my throat. "Don't you dare speak to me like this! Where are your hideous freak brothers?!" I stepped a little backwards. "They aren't my brothers anymore! I hate them as much as you hate them! I swear! I just stabbed Raphael in the shoulder with a knife! You can still see the blood from our fight!" I walked towards the light and he could see all the blood on my arms, which wasn't really much but also my cuts where to be seen. He put his knifes down and looked impressed. "Well...what do you want from me?" – "I want to join the foot clan..." he looked at me and observed me. "Well...if this all is true what you said. So will it be. But if you betray me, you will die! Understood?!" I nodded and smirked evilly "Hai master Shredder" I bowed in front of him and he smirked the same way as I did. "Now Hamato Yoshi will pay!" he laughed, before he looked again to me. "You will need a uniform." I nodded and he called for Karai. She came and when she saw me, she wanted to attack me. Shredder stopped her. "He's now one of us Karai!" – "what?!" she asked "yes, and you will be responsible for him, until he's used to all of this. Understood!?" she nodded and gave me a death glare. I just smirked. "Hai father." She said. "Good. Now give him a uniform and learn him some new moves...oh and give him a new weapon, this Naginata is embarrassing!" she nodded one more time. "Let's go Donatello" I nodded and went with her. She showed me my room and took a black belt and wrappings. This must be my new uniform. I tried it on, Karai helped me with the wrappings around my knees and elbows. I don't have those knee and elbow pads anymore. Right under my shoulders is a 'foot' symbol. Karai also gave me a new black mask and as a new weapon, I became the twin Katanas. I grinned. And Karai saw it. "I will have an eye on you. I don't trust you!" she said. Some voices said in my head, that I should hurt her. But instead I snapped at her. And pressed her against the wall with my arm. "Her me out little princess, I really want to kill you, but I don't want to be killed by Shredder for that. So stop being so an annoying little girl who thinks is strong. I have much more power than you ever will have! So shut the fuck up and show me everything" she stared at me eyes widened. "As you wish..." I grinned.

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