Chapter 11 - "Welcome back, little brother"

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Hey, here's Tori^^ First of all, this song above is one of my favorite at the moment *heh* and I think it fits perfectly to Demons personality. So, and just to my own defense for this chapter, it's like in the middle of the night, and it's Monday xD so I'm really sorry if this chapter isn't that good as I promised it would get. I just wanted to update^^

Demons P.O.V

The night ended fast,I didn't even knew it was already 6:30AM! I yawned short and went to eat something. I didn't really eat much, 34 always says that I'm too fat and 89always tells me that I'm weak. So I eat less and train more. I grew on muscles,I was now more muscular than Raph. I grinned at myself in the mirror every timeI see one. But then the voices say that I'm ugly, a freak, heavy and so on... I hate them! Can't they just shut up already!? I became a huge headache once again. So I took some meds to calm them down. I stared into the mug, filled with coffee. I saw my reflection a little. I wanted my family back...I lightly sobbed, but wasstern all of a sudden. "No! You don'twant to go back there!" Andthere you go again with the voices...I took the mug and drank a little of thecoffee. Then Karai came in. she kissed my cheek softly and greatened me. I justnodded and smiled a bit. She asked if I had something bothering me. I just shookmy head. She had a worried look on her face but sadly accepted my answer andsat down. After several times of refusing to eat something from her, I finallygave in. but when I was about to put that piece of bread in my mouth, 34 andsome others scream at me again. I laid the bread on her plate. "I...I can't eat that..." – "why...WHY CAN'T YOUEAT ONCE?? I'M WORRIED DEMON!" she said dramatically. I sighed. "They don't let me to..." – "who?" shegrew curious. I shrugged, not really wanting to tell her about those voices. Butas she started to yell at me, my head keeps hurting more and more. Also cuz ofthe voices who grew stronger as I didn't do that what they wanted. I suddenlystood up, slamming my fist on the table and glared angry at her, holding her byher chin. "The voices in my head won'tlet me! Now shut up, or I will make ya!" she starred at me in disbelief. I lether go and walked out of the room, hearing my stomach complaining. I was really hungry, but I didn't wanted to get fat. So I just went to train the whole day. Eventually Karai came into the dojo and trained silently with me. I'm surprised that she still want to spend time with me, after I was such a jerk to her. 

Raphs P.O.V

Leo and I were on Mikeys side. He didn't woke up yet. We didn't informed Splinter yet, he's out to do something important, and he told us, He will be back in a few days. If he would've been here, he could've did the healing hands on him...wait a minute, can't Leo do this too?! I gently tapped his shoulder. He looked at me, eyes puffy and red. "w-what?" I shrugged at how silent his voice sounded, so, vulnerable... "Can' do this healing hand...thingy on him?..." he looked at me first, then at Mikey and then at his hands. "I...I can try..." I nodded and made space for him. He did this thing and said the Japanese words. I looked at him and then at his white glowing hands. Finally he touched Mikeys plastron gently and his whole body began to glow. I watched as Mikey slowly opened his eyes. He growled and looked around. Leo hugged him suddenly. He just went all stiff. I smiled a little. "Welcome back little brother..." I said as I pat his arm a little, he shook me of, just like Leo. "What the hell happened?!" was all he said. We explained to him what was going on, he also knew that we know about him, self harming. We bagged him to not do this anymore, but he didn't answer to that. He was just quiet. I grew annoyed of this, searched his whole room and took all sharp things with me which I could found. "If ya don't talk to us, I'll make sure ya don't make this bullshit anymore!" I went out of his room and hide all those things in a secret safe in my closet, in reality it was behind it, I just made a hole in the back of the closet, which I could open and close like a door. Nobody but me knows about that. I went back to them, only to see Leo asleep in Mikeys arms. There's still a heart in you little brother... I thought and laid down on the other side. We three cuddled the whole morning, while we slept.

Mikeys P.O.V

I woke up, to see my brothers on each side on my, I smiled a little. They really cared about me...but then I imagined Leo stabbed Donnie and he lost his shell. How he'd sliced his arm open and hurt him totally. Then I looked towards Raph...I was stunned that he cuddled me, he never, I repeat NEVER comes to me or any of us to cuddle. I smiled again. But just like by Leo, I saw what Raph did to Donnie, even if this wasn't much...and then I thought about myself, I did to hurt him, I made fun of him, oh how I regret doing that! I just wanted to slice my already deep cuts, deeper. But Raph took everything away from me...and I couldn't get up to go and get something, I was stuck in between my two all so called brothers... I won't wake them up just now, I'm enjoying this quietness as much as I could. I eventually fell asleep again.

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