Chapter 6 - "Where's my shell?!"

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Demons P.O.V

Meanwhile I was unconscious. But I heard people talking around me. The pain grew and I breathed heavy. It is time...I'll die. "No you will not die freak!" one of the voices said. But I wanted to. "Even if you want, you will first kill the others, and then you can go" it said again. I do not wanted this all to happen, I want a normal life, in peace. But I'll never have it...I want my brothers back, I want to go to them, hug 'em and have some time with 'em! "No you don't! Look what they did to you! They almost killed you! They don't want you! THEY HATE YOU!" No! It can't be! I slowly woke up cause of a huge pain in my plastron. I cried out in pain, as someone put something on it. "AAH! WH...AT THE HELL!?" – "ah he'zzz awake! Buzz, how do you buzz feel?" It was Baxter stockman. I breathed normal again and the pain was still there, but not as hard as at the beginning. I feel something like a towel is on my lower plastron and legs, I did not opened my eyes yet. "weird..." – "aah I see buzz" I heard that he write something down, I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times, the first thing that I saw, was stockman besides me. Then some wired, which were plugged on my shell-les plastron....wait. I sat up quickly, just to be pushed down again. "You have to buzz rest!" he said, I kind of panicked "where's my shell?!" – "right over there buzz" he pointed to the table across the room with a bloody torn apart shell on it. I gasped. " did you do this?! impossible!" I said "nothingzzz impozzible for Baxter stockman buzz, be thankful! You would have buzz been dead buzz, if I didn't took it away buzz from you!" I nodded, still not understanding HOW he did it. I looked at my body, I wasn't that bad build, and I had many muscles. I though. But I still couldn't believe it. I wonder why I have a towel around my...oh... I blushed and held the town. Stockman recognized this and laughed a little. "Don't be ashamed buzz, you'll need clothezzz now buzz, Karai, will bring you buzz a new uniform buzz" I nodded, still blushing. Then Karai entered the lab and smiled a bit as she saw me "Demon! You're okay!" she hugged me, I was confused, why does she hug me? "Here, I brought you a new uniform." She gave it to me, I thanked her but didn't asked why she was so happy to see me, and she even had some happy tears in her eyes. Stockman took the wires away from me and said I could go dress up. So I did. 

Raphs P.O.V

How, could Leo do this?! Donnie's still our brother, even when he completely lost it! I sat down on my bed and slammed my fist into the wall next to me. We didn't even know if he survived this! I want my Donnie back, so bad! I started to cry, I never cry in front of my family and friends, but in secret I cry a lot, mostly cuz of Donnie. Since I knew what he had, I wanted to protect him. I did made distance between us, but this wasn't my fault! Every time I came near him he growled at me and shouted. I didn't want that he tries to kill me again. Neither have I wanted that he kills himself. I just want Donnie Boy back, my intelligent geeky little brother... I went to bed and cried me to sleep.

Le time skip, to the next evening (sorry)

Leos P.O.V

I was still really torn apart, but master splinter told us to go find Donnie and bring him back. So Me, Raph who didn't want to remain at home and Mikey went on patrol to search for Donnie, if he's still alive... I told the others that we should head for the shredders HQ and they all agreed. So we ran on the rooftops. It was really quiet. Mikey didn't talked like usual, he was quiet and had a stern look on his face. Just like Raph. Some blocks before Shredders HQ I felt like someone is watching us. I stopped running and looked around. Mikey and Raph were pissed. "yo fearless, why did'cha stop?! We need ta find Donnie!" Raph said angrily. Mikey agreed with him. "Quiet guys! I think someone's watching us" they took out their weapons and stood alert. Suddenly a girl laugh was heard and Karai came out of the shadows. "Karai" I said and glared at her. "Oh well hello Leonardo, nice to see you!" She said in a sarcastic voice. "Where's Donnie?!" Mikey asked her angry. I was a little bit shocked of how his voice sounded.... So deep and harsh. "Oh you mean Demon? Leonardo should know best where he should be, or should I say...where he wanted to put him, in HELL!" she shouted. I looked down and both, Mikey and Raph stared at me in disbelieve and anger. Then Karai started to talk again. "But gladly, Stockman fixed him..." we all looked up to her, I asked: "! I...I split in two!" I had tears in my eyes. Karai just smirked and a foot soldier fully wearing a black ninja suit appeared in the shadows. "Because Leonardo, I doesn't have a shell anymore, because of YOU!" We all stared at him wide eyed as he took his mask down, which covers his whole face. He has a special outfit for a foot soldier, it was a little bit different compared to the others. Also his feet were wrapped up in black cloths. He hasn't got any mask over his eyes. He looked evil. "Donnie?!" we all said in unison. 


Sorry, it's a short chapter, i need to go to bed tomorow is school -.- and yeah, hope you like it^^

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