Chapter 9 - "Now he'll die slowly inside..."

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Leos P.O.V

I had wide eyes and starred at Splinter, back to the picture and then once again to splinter. "This...can't be!" – "but it is the truth my son...Karai is daughter." A tear rolled across his cheek. I still couldn't believe it! The enemy is Splinters daughter! And also I love her! My life is a mess. I stood up. "we have to tell her the truth! Maybe, even Donnie would come back!..." He nodded "but, pleas you have to choose the right time, you cannot tell her all of a sudden." I nodded and hugged him tight. "I will father." He hugged me back. "Let's go to bed now...after you cleaned yourself up. And please, could you go and look after Michelangelo?" – "Hai sensei, and good night" He smiled softly and I returned the smile and went to check on Mikey. I slowly opened the door to see him asleep on the bed. I sighed in relieve and closed the door. I washed myself and went to bed.

Le time skip to the next morning.

Demons P.O.V

Karai slept in my arms, as I smirked. The voices in my head talked something but I couldn't figure it out what they were talking about. So I just laid awake the whole night. She then slowly woke up and smiled at me. "Morning Demon" she said. "Morning babe" I said smirking a little and kissed her head. "Did you sleep well?" She asked me smiling. I shook my head. "yeah...I do never really sleep. I'm mostly the whole night awake. Don't ask! It is just that way. I'm fine." She gasped and had a worried look on her face. Then she laid a hand on my cheek, I took it away. "Babe, I'm really fine" she sighed and nodded. Then we stood up and went to eat breakfast.

Raphs P.O.V

I slowly woke up from the smell of a burning toaster. I fast stood up and went to the kitchen to see that Leo had made the toaster stand in flames. I face palmed and went for the extinguisher and extinguished the fire. "Leo! HOW MANY TIMES DO WE TOLD YOU NOT TO USE THE TOASTER BY YOURSELF!?" – "SORRY! I JUST WANTED A TOAST OKAY!?" I sighed and went to the fridge to get some milk for my cereal. I sat down on the table and started eating. Leo cleaned up his mess and sat too on the table in front of me with his tea and a half burned toast, which he cleaned up so that the black part wasn't on it anymore and ate it. It was awkwardly silent so I thought to start a conversation. "So uhm...where's Mikey?" I asked him. He shrugged with his shoulders. "Probably asleep" – "yeah...but he is always the first in the kitchen and the last who goes out of it!" I saw that he was thinking and then spoke. "Yeah you're right...but look, after that what happened to him last night, he probably just need more sleep..." I nodded. "When you say so, oh fearless leader." He shrugged as I said that. Did I hit a weak spot? I say that to him all the time! "Stop calling me that!" – "why!?" – "because I-"He stopped talking and looked to the ground. "Leo!?" I asked. "...shut up!" he said and I shrugged, what's up with him!? "Leo, what-"– "I said, SHUT UP" He had tears in his eyes and was angry, right when he was about to shout at me again, Mikey entered the room. "Oh god, shut the fuck up! I have a headache!" was all he said, to make my and Leos jaw land on the floor. What did my little brother just said!? "MIKEY! WHATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!" Leo shouted. As Mikey went to the fridge to get some milk, like me before. "I can talk like whatever I want, just SHUT UP!" I stood up "Mikey! What the hell!?" – "not you too Raph" Leo answered angry. "No Leo! I can do that, but Mikey!?" I looked towards him, his mask was around his neck, he had an angry/annoyed look on his face, also his leg was wrapped up...just like his arms too...he didn't looked like the normal Mikey, he looked Like me in a lot worse mood.

 Mikeys P.O.V

I was so annoyed of my brothers and indeed had a bad headache. "Ya know what?! FUCK YOU!" I said as I smashed the milk on the ground and stormed out of the room. I went to the bathroom and took some aspirins and went to my room. I heard Raph and Leo following me but I locked the door, so they just pounded on my door and yelled my name. I sat down on my bed and switched the stereo on and let the song: "In The End" from linking park at the full volume play. (That's the song from above) I laid down on my bed and had cut myself again.

Leos P.O.V

Raph and I were pounding on Mikeys door, bagging that he should come outside. But nothing. Suddenly music started to play in his room. I and Raph stopped pounding and looked at each other. That wasn't the music he normally listens to. We listened close to the text and gasped. I sat down on the ground and Raph joined me. He was as shocked as I was. We just listened.

Time skip to the evening

Leos P.O.V

"Guys! Its patrol time!" I shouted through the lair. Raph came out of his room and came to me. We waited for Mikey, we haven't seen him since the incident in the morning. He came out of his room, without his mask and more wrappings. I didn't dare to ask him something, as he just passed us and walked in front of us. I looked worried at Raph, who sighed and followed him, like me. It was a quiet night, not even the purple dragons were out to do something. So we decided to walk back. But someone was following us. I stopped and jumped as someone tried to attack me. "Faster then I though..." a familiar voice said, it was Donnie. I stepped backwards to the others. Soon Karai appears next to him, smirking, she put a hand on Donnies shoulder and said. "Naww, look what we have here, some weak freaks" Raph got angry and shouted "WHO ARE YA CALLING WEAK!?" Mikey joined him, for the first time this evening I heard him talk. "OR A FREAK!?" I saw that Donnie was smirking, what was he thinking about? But then suddenly he talked. "Hey Leo, I have a little surprise for ya" His smirk grew wider and I was kinda scarred what he was up to. Then...I couldn't believe my eyes. He kissed Karai in front of us all, in front of ME! I felt that my heart just broke. I had tears in my eyes and just looked at them.

Demons P.O.V

As I kissed her, I saw how broken Leo was. I smirked and slowly broke the kiss, Karai was blushing, but smirked as well. I saw how Raph and Mikey, both made wide eyes and gasped. "Did you like your surprise?" I asked teasingly. He clenched his fist, but did not attack us. He looked at the guys behind him. "I don't have time for this..." is all he said, the other two nodded and he threw a smoke bomb and they disappeared. Me and Karai stood a little longer there and made out. Then we went home. I was the whole time smirking and thought to myself. "Now he'll die slowly inside..."


So...It's Tori again^^ wanna to ask you, how did you all like the fact that Demon is useing Karai to make leo suffer? *heh*

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