Chapter 4- "Let the game begin..."

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(Raph's P.O.V)

Time skip to a little bit earlier, right after Donnie ran away and Raph was carried away by splinter.

I groaned in pain. It hurts like hell. Splinter tried to put the knife out of my shoulder but I just screamed and he stopped. But suddenly "AAAHH!" I screamed even louder as he took it out of my shoulder. "I'm sorry my son. It has to be pulled out" I nodded silent and the blood was coming out of my shoulder. I couldn't move my arm, I think Donnie broke some bones in there. Splinter tried to comfort me, but I could see in his eyes that he needed comfort too... "You have to be stitched up Raphael...I will call for Donat..." he stopped talking and looked at me frozen. A small tear rolled across his cheek. "I mean...I will do that..." I nodded and he stitched my shoulder. I clenched my fist, so that I don't show any emotions. When he was done. He wrapped me up and helped me to my feet. I feel a little dizzy, he held me onto my left side and we walked out of his room. My brothers were waiting the whole time outside and smiled a little as they saw me. Mikey came running towards me und hugged me. "Ah! Mikey! I'm not dead...but...that hurts!" he fast let go of my and apologized. "Raphael needs to rest, like all of you do also my sons...go get some sleep...tomorrow we will see what we will do..." Splinter said. Everyone nodded and went to bed. After some minutes in bed, someone knocked on my door. "Yeah?" I asked and Mikey came in, eyes red and a bit swollen. "C...can I sleep here tonight?" he asked. Usually I would send him to Leo if he has a nightmare, but after what happened I nodded and made room for him in my bed. He cuddled into the sheets. "Night Mikey..." I said and dimmed the light. I closed my eyes and heard sobbing. "Mikey..." he just continued. Since he laid on my left side, I turned him over, so that he lay at my side and my left arm around his shoulders to hold him close. He was a little bit of shocked but he nuzzled into my neck and cried silently. I felt his tears on my skin and sighed, why had this to happen? ... After a while Mikey could manage to fall asleep. I soon joined him.

Time skip to al little later and place traveling back to Donnie and Karai.

Donnie's P:O:V

It was in the middle of the night, I felt so good, the voices cheered in my head and I just felt grate that they don't scream anymore, and we became friends. Also Monday came back in person, but he disappeared again. I want to die, yes. But I want revenge on my family first. Now I'm in my room and planning how to execute my ex- family. But soon I fell asleep.

Time skip to the morning (I'm so sorry, hate to do this XD)

I was already awake. As Karai called for me to come to the Dojo for training. I opened my room's door and she jumped a little, not expecting me awake. "Let's go..." I said and we went to the Dojo, in there was Razzar and Fishface. They glared at me and wanted to attack me. But Karai stood in front of me. "Stop ya idiots! He's now one of us!" – "how can you trust him?!" Fishface asked her. But bevor she could answer I stepped in front of her. "Because, if you don't will, you will suffer" I said cold. Razzar growled. "Do you think we are afraid of you little scum?!" I glared at him but then Shredder came in. "YOU ALL SHUT UP!" we all nodded and bowed. "Bradford, Xever, he is one of us!" – "b...but master shredder, he's one of the turtles, this might could be a trap!" Fishface said "I already introduced him with the consequences of that, but I don't think this is a trap. Anyway, training starts!" – "Hai Master Shredder" everyone said and training started.

Time skip to the evening (sorry xD)

After a long day of training and learning things from the foot clan, I was sent to shredders throne Sal. I came close to him and kneeled in front of the throne. "You asked for me?" I questioned. He nodded "indeed, I want you to pair up with Karai and kill Hamato Yoshis Sons for what they did to us!" He came down the stairs and stood right in front of me. I looked up and smirked. "Hai master shredder" I wasn't right thinking. I want to live in peace so I did what the voices said, and they told me to go kill. I stood up and went for Karai. "Karai! Come we have a mission!" She came to me "what is it?!" – "kill the Hamatos..." After I said that we went outside and searched for them, I do know where the lair is, and I led Karai to it. But instead of going to it and fight them in the lair. Michelangelo and Leonardo were topside with April and Casey. They talked about what happened. Karai and I were spying on them. "I...I can't believe he did that!" – "yeah! Like how comes that the weak innocent nerd could do that?!" – "shut up Casey! You can't talk about him like that!" – "but he's kind of right April...he IS crazy I mean...would you stab us in the shoulder with a knife?!" – "my point still stands!" I couldn't believe what I've heard. April was defending me! Karai wanted to attack them, but since Shredder made me responsible, we stood in the shadows listening. She was annoyed. "and where is he now?" Casey asked "we don't know dude! He's ... just gone!" Mikey answered. I heard the crack in his voice like he was about to cry. "Where...could he possibly be..?" April though out loud but then she got a headache and held her head. "What is it red??" – "someone's spying on us..." they all took out their weapons. I started to smirk. And looked to Karai, she understood and we jumped out of the shadows. They all gasped. "Donnie?!" they said in unison. I laughed. "It's 'Demon' now!" – "what...are you doing...?!" Leo asked. "Nothing much actually, just going to kill random freaks" they gasped as I grinned more and Karai and I took out our weapons, Leo was stunned as he saw my twin Katanas. "Awesome right? Now I'm not so weak anymore!" I aimed at Leo and Karai took the rest. "Let the game begin!"


Sorry, this chapter is a bit crappy, :/ the next ones will be better, i promise :)

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