Chapter 8 - "I love him!"

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Leos P.O.V

After Karai and Do...ehm Demon had vanished I shouted. "Mikey! You're losing too much blood!" he just waved his hand. "Don't feel anything." I stared at him in disbelieve, and tears streamed down my face. "Mikey...I-"he interrupted me "GO HELP RAPH, I'M FINE!" I shrugged a bit. This wasn't the Mikey I once knew... but I nodded and went to Raphs unconscious body. "Raph! You have to wake up!" I cried and gently put him in my lap and shook him a bit, until he woke up. "Raph!" I said a bit smiling "wh...what happened?..." he asked, I wiped my tears away. "I will tell you...when were at home..." he nodded and stood up with me. He looked to Mikey and made wide eyes. "MIKEY!" but Mikey did the same as to me before, saying that he doesn't feel a thing. I sighted and we went home. But when we walked home, I saw how Mikey was limping. But he didn't want any help. When we arrived at home he just went to his room, without a word and shut it close. I looked for a moment to Raph and he back at me, confused. But then he went also to his room and I went to talk to splinter. I can't handle it anymore.

Demons P.O.V

I slowly melted into the kiss, as she suddenly broke it and ran off. I stood there completely confused. "What just happened?" I asked myself and the voices in my head answered. "She kissed ya you idiot! Stupid, you are just stupid! She likes her. Use her! To kill Leonardo slowly on the inside! He still loves her, you know that!" I grinned and nodded. "As you command" I said and run after her. She went into our home and into her room, I followed her and knocked at the door. ("do you wanna build a snowmaaaan?" xD sorry, forget that part HAHA) "Karai, can I come in?" – "" She answered. "Karai! You don't want to get me mad, did'cha?" I heard her sight and she opened the door. In the second she opened it I held her by her waist and kissed her passionately. She was shocked, I felt it but then she laid her arms around my neck and kissed me back, I smirked a little and licked over her lower lip for entrance, she opened her mouth and I explored it with my tongue. She moaned a bit, but suddenly someone tear us apart. It was Shredder. He glared at me in pure anger. He held his knifes against my through and said. "YOU DARE TO TOUCHE MY DAUGHTER!?" Karai held onto his other arm and tried to pull him away from me. "Father don't! I ...I love him! Please!" She begged. He sighed and gave me one last death glare. "If you hurt her, you will not be here anymore!" I nodded and smiled a bit. "I will not hurt her master, I love her" He let go of me and nodded. Then he went away. Karai smiled at me and hugged me. Then we went into my room, sat down on the bed and talked, while we were cuddling. Sometimes we kissed.

Leos P.O.V

I went to talk to master splinter, he was meditating as I entered the dojo. I kneeled in front of him. "Sensei...can I talk to you for a second?" He nodded "what troubles you my son? Did you find Donatello?" He hasn't opened his eyes yet. "We did find him...but..." – "what, but?" – "he...he isn't the same again sensei...he's evil!" tears were falling onto the ground. He opened his eyes and gasped. He didn't saw the once brave son Leonardo in front of him, who never cries and always stands strong, no he saw a broken brother, crying and hands bloody, like he killed someone. His mask wasn't on his face anymore. " son...What happened?" he laid a hand on my shoulder. He was really sad. "He...He's in the foot clan...and and...we fought against yesterday...and...Karai was with him, they teamed up...he hasn't got a shell anymore...thanks to my stupidity!" I slammed my fist into the ground, he stopped me from doing that again. I sighed and went on. "And...then Karai stabbed the leg...he says he's alright...but...I feel like he isn't. And then Raph...oh I can't look any of them into the eyes anymore! I'm a failing leader, I'm not supposed to be the leader anymore!...I don't deserve it..." I cried harder and he hugged me. "You aren't a failure my are a great Leader and Brother, don't blame anything on you can't change the past, you just can look up to the future..." I nodded and hugged him back. But deep inside I don't agree with him, I am a failure. He then looked me into the eyes and wiped most of my tears away. "I need to tell you something..." I was confused but nodded. He stood up and went to the picture of him, his wife Tang Shen and his Daughter Miwa. He took it from the shelf and came to me again. He gave me the picture I asked him what's that all about. "In that fire, when I lost my wife, I also though I lost my daughter all know the story, but some weeks ago, then when I fought against the Shredder, I heard the truth..." – "what truth?..." – "...Karai's my death thought daughter..." I gasped and looked at the picture and back to him, he looked sad and worried at the same time.

Mikeys P.O.V

I locked my room and sat on my bed. My leg still bleeding, but not as bad as at the begging. I threw Leos bandana away and wrapped it myself up, after I stitched it. I then laid down on my bed and stared to the ceiling. "Fuck my life" I said to myself, sat up, took out some blades of my desk next to my bed and sliced my arms open. "I hate my life!" I had cut deeper and more blood came out. After every cut I said something negative about me to cut even deeper the next time. I switched arms and cut through the other. Blood was now everywhere on my bed sheets. But it didn't bother me. After I was done I took some wrappings and wrapped up my arms. Then I went to sleep.


....I can't find any words to this chapter... but yeah I wrote it so i did find the words *heh* so now I have to go to bed, Hope you like it^^

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