Chapter 5 - "What have I done?..."

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Demon's P.O.V (Donnie's new name is now Demon)

Karai and I fought against Leo, Mikey, April and Casey. Karai was very good at fighting, so she hasn't much trouble to knock out Casey first and then April. Now she just had to fight against Michelangelo. I grinned evilly to Leo who was defending himself as I attacked him. "D..Donnie! This...isn't you!" He said in the fight. "Yeah you're right! I'm not Donnie! I'm Demon!" I said back angrily. I aimed at him but he made a backflip. I growled at him. He started talking again. "Why? Why are you with Karai?" – "are you really that dumb? I joined the foot clan! They understand me! Not like ya'll!" My anger grew and the voices shouted that I should end it. I screamed: "I CAN HEAR YA! I WILL DO IT, JUST STOP SCREAMING!!" Everyone stopped in their tracks, even Karai and Mikey. "Do...ehm..Demon what is it?!" Karai asked but I shook my head. "Everything's alright! NOW KILL!" She nodded and aimed again at Mikey, but he brook down and shed tears. I didn't saw it, it was behind me. Leo looked at me shocked. Suddenly his t-phone rang. "Not now!" he said and ran away from me a little and picked up. "What?!" he hissed. "Where the heck are ya?!" It was Raph. "I'm in the middle of a fight!" – "against who?!" I stood behind him and heard the conversation. Leonardo didn't noticed me behind him. I took the phone out of his hands and backed away a little and spoke: "Hello there Raphael, how are ya?" – "D...Donnie? Wh-"– "STOP CALLING ME THAT IM DEMON!" he didn't say anything until Leo attacked me again. I didn't saw it coming and he cut deep into my shell, I collapsed on the floor, he split my shell in two. I cried out loud and let the t-phone fall on the floor.

Leos P.O.V

I didn't knew what to do, he was dangerous so I didn't thought it through right. Only seconds after I took out my katana from his shell I realized what I did. I was horrified. "What have I done?" I let the katana fall to the ground and stared at the screaming once known brother Donatello on the ground, his screams were so full of pain. I only could stand there and couldn't move a muscle.

Karai P.O.V

A little bit back when Mikey broke down

I aimed at Michelangelo and wanted to end his life for good. I smirked but then...he just broke down and shed tears. I felt guilt build up inside of me and lowered my sword, I didn't knew why but I feel bad for him... he looked up at me, eyes all puffed and red. " it... I can't...see that...he's s...sick" he said. I kneeled down to him. "What do you mean by sick?" I became curious. "A...ask him yourself..." he answered and I glared angry at him. But then he shed one more time tears. I felt the guilt once again and sighed. " long as he isn't watching..." I stood up, he also did "w...why don't you...kill me..." he asked me. I didn't know what to answer I didn't want him to know that I somehow feel bad for them. So I lied: "I want to make the suffer of you freaks a little longer" I made a fake smirk and turned around, only to see how Leonardo dug his katana across Demons shell. I ran to him and shove the shocked Leo away and held Demon in my lap. "What have you done?!" I screamed to Leo. He backed away with Mikey. "...s...sorry..." was all he said and ran off with Mikey. I couldn't believe him, he just ran off like that?! I felt anger build up in me, but then I looked at Demon...he panted and was in huge pain. "I....I will carry you home..." he simply nodded and I tried to drag him but he was too big and heavy. I called Razzar to come and help me with him, he came and was shocked at his wellbeing. He picked him up and we brought him home to and went to Baxter stockman's room, he could maybe help Demon...

Leos P.O.V

I and Mikey ran home, after we brought April and Casey home. I was still totally shocked at what I just did. And Mikey... I think he's shocked to, he was still crying. I wasn't in my right just happened somehow...I felt so bad right now. As we arrived at the lair Raph ran up to us. "WHAT HAPPENED?! WHY WAS DONNIE SCREAMING?!" he said, I remembered that he was on the phone and heard everything. Just as I wanted to answer him, Mikey stormed to his room and shut the door really loud close. I shrugged a little, but then, as I looked back again at Raph I broke down and just cried all out. He was shocked and knelt beside me. "Leo...what happened?" he asked gently, unusual to his behavior. I cried into his good shoulder and he hugged me softly. "I...we were...on the roof....Karai and ...Demon appeared...a-"– "whose demon?" he interrupted me. "T...that's Donnie' name..."he nodded "a...and then... we fought...he want to....kill us all....he's now a...foot soldier..." I cried harder Raph was emotionless. But I could feel the anger and sadness build up in him. He hugged me tighter. "What happened then...?" as he asked that I looked to the ground. Felt the guilt build up again. "I...I accidently...hurt him...bad...I don't know....if he makes it..." He let go of me and stood up "you did what exactly?!" I looked away and dried my tears. "I...I split in two..." I saw tears in his eyes...was he about to cry? I asked myself but then he turned around and went to his room and just like Mikey he shut his door close. I still sat there on the ground, completely broken. What do we do now?


I'm so sorry that i didn't posted a new part in two weeks! I was really busy with school and some private stuff...I want to update more so I hopefully will,

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