Chapter 10 - "he won't wake up..."

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Raphs P.O.V

As we went home, Leo was the whole time silent. I saw how broken he was. But I had to remind him that he can't love the enemy! "Leo? Please don't tell me that we just went away cuz you're jealous and broken!?...she's the daughter of Shredder!" he suddenly stopped. I and Mikey looked at him. He glared at me. "Oh no she's not!" – "yeah she is!" – "NO! She-" he hesitated. "She's splinters daughter! Miwa!" I gasped but didn't believe him. "You're lying!" – "NO SPLINTER TOLD ME SO!" I gasped one more time, Mikey just stood there with his arms crossed. "How?" I asked and he explained it to us. After some time I believed him. I didn't know how Mikey thinks of it, cuz he didn't said a word since we were with Demon and Karai...ehm Miwa. I looked to him. "Will the emo boy say something too?" I said annoyed at his behavior. He hit me in my plastron. "What the fuck man!?" I said. He then talked. "I believe that she is Miwa." He then turned around and went home. I looked to Leo and with a 'What's up with him' asking look, he shrugged with his shoulders. Then we went after him. As we arrived home, Mikey ran up to his room and shut the door close. I sighed and went to bed, just like Leo.

Mikeys P.OV

So I was one more time in my room cutting me. It felt so good. The pain inside flew away. But I cut to deep, blood was coming out fast. I felt dizzy and fell to the ground unconscious.

Demons P.O.V

Karai and I went home and got to shredder. He talked short to us and we went to bed. We kissed on the bed. I was on top of her and smirked. She blushed hard and kissed me again. Soon after she said: "I'm tired..." I nodded "go get some sleep, I'll be okay." She nodded and closed her eyes and doze off. I went to the dojo and trained.

Time skip to the morning

Leos P.O.V

I cried the half of the night, so I was up early. I went to the kitchen. It was like 4AM, and we came home like 12:30AM. I yawned and made some tea. I thought about different things at the time, then I a picture of Mikey appeared in my head. I should talk to him... I'll make him some breakfast and bring it to him. So I did and went to his room. I knocked, but no answer. I knocked one more time, but still nothing. Then I thought, it's still early...he maybe is sleeping deep. I wanted to knock harder but then the door suddenly opened. I peeked inside and let the tablet fall on the floor. I ran up to Mikey and gasped. "Mikey!" I yelled. I had tears in my eyes. I saw the blood on his bed, floor, arms, legs and the small knife. I laid him down on his bed and wrapped his cuts up. I held his hand. "Mikey...why?" I said crying. "Please wake up...!" I cried harder and shook him, nothing. I shook him harder and yelled his name. But still, nothing. I was upset but then Raph appeared in the door. "Leo!? Why the hell ya have ta yell at 5 in the morning?!" He didn't saw Mikey yet. But as he came closer he gasped and had wide eyes. He saw the blood everywhere. He went to my and Mikeys side. "What happened??" – "I...I think he had cut himself...and passed out...I found him on the floor...he won't wake up..."


I'm so sorry for that crappy ones will get better :)

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