Chapter 2: Childhood Re-connection

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     Today I was awakened by my mom yelling at my brothers to get up and get ready for school. Somebody has to get up with my youngest brother to make sure he does right. I rolled over and checked the time on my bedside clock. It read 5:55am. I groaned, "I have five minutes of sleep left anyway, it might as well be me." I rolled over getting out of bed going to tell mom that she can go back to sleep. On my way to my parents' room, I passed by my wall mirror scaring myself. I shrieked. My dad ran into my room in his pajamas looking like he was ready to fight. I looked his way and instantly got confused. He looked at me and asked, "Did I just hear you scream?" I was getting ready to say no until I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I said, "Yes, yes you did." (Phineas and Ferb that's the show right?) He gave me a look asking why. I answered, "Oh it was nothing; I just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror." It was like he was seeing me for the first time. He laughed and said, "Yeah now I see why. You look like wild manerva. Girl go fix yourself before I disown you." We both laughed and went our separate ways. By the time I made it to where I thought my mom was, she was already at her usual spot looking after my brother. I thought, "Well since she's already doing it, I don't have to. Besides, I'm going to need all the time I can get to turn this nightmare into a dream."

     To begin getting ready for school, I went over to my stereo, put in a mixed CD, and turned on Jacquees "Candy Girl". I went into the bathroom to take care of my daily hygiene routine. I came out of the bathroom singing along with Jacquees, "Her face bad, but her booty thicker than a snicker, gimme ten seconds and I bet you imma get her." Aye "I Told Her" is my turn up song. Slapping lotion and spraying my favorite body mist on my skin, I grabbed the clothes I laid out last night and suited up. I stood in front of my body length mirror debating on my accessories for today. After about two minutes, I sided with my studded bracelets and earrings. I looked at my bedside clock it read 6:45am. I had 15 minutes til the bus came. Yes guys, the bus. I told my parents that I didn't want to ride the bus, but they said I had to.

     I made my way to the kitchen to make me a nice big cold bowl of Frosted Flakes. As I was making my tasty breakfast, Greg walked in the kitchen still in just his basketball shorts. I made sure he had his entire head inside the fridge before I let him know I was in the kitchen.

     "Hey!" I shouted. Just like I expected he hit his head on the top of the fridge. I snickered.

     He resurfaced out of the fridge, "Jeez, did you really have to do that."

     "Did you really have to be so ugly," I retorted.

     He fake laughed, "Very funny. That's not what that girl down the street said I was yesterday."

     "Forgive the poor girl; she doesn't know any better. In all seriousness, why are you not dressed for school?"

     "Mom said I didn't have to go if I didn't want to because I have a dentist appointment," he said. "Lucky y-" I began to say until the bus' horn cut me off. "Bye," my brother said as he began to eat the rest of my cereal while I was on my way downstairs to go out of the garage and say bye to my mom. I stuck my tongue out at him while he just smiled and put his feet on the counter. I made it downstairs and my mom was already on her job. I smiled. "Bye mom!" I called over my shoulder as I got on my walker with my backpack trying to run so I won't miss the bus. "You forgot something," she called back to me. I stopped where I stood and turned around, "Huh?" I said back. She patted her cheek meaning a kiss. I ran back to where she was and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. We smiled at each other. "Do you have to pay for lunch?" she asked. "I don't know," I responded. She passed me a $5 bill and sent me on my way. "Thank you. See you later. I love you." As I made my way to the bus my mom shouted, "Ok. Love you, too. By the way, you look fly! Looks like you finally picked up my swag!" I laughed as I was taking my seat. "She tried to sound like me saying the word fly," that thought brought tears out of my eyes because I was laughing so hard.

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