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Today is Friday signaling my first week of high school. Can you say tiring. They stuck me in honors classes without my consent. Somehow this smells like it had my mommy's name all on. She's always pushing me to be and do my best. I don't have a problem with it, but to ambush me though.

My classes haven't changed. it's just the class sections that's changed. The course load is so much larger and rigorous. Turns out April's parents did the same to her, so we're still attached at the hip. 😊

Now we're at lunch chatting it up and laughing. A and I decided to sit at an all guys table. Just like me, she befriends guys more than girls because they are less messy.

A and I waited til the line went down to go get our trays. And Pete is just staring me down. I saw him before I got in line but I decided to keep my comments and greeting to myself because I don't have time for Pete's madness.

Ok so I've been in line for at least 3 minutes, and Pete still hasn't stopped staring. Can you say CREEP!

I fixed my skirt, cleared my throat, and said, "Hi, Pete. Can I help you with anything because you seem utterly fascinated by me today." I fluttered my eyelashes.

"I was just wondering how could you get uglier day by day." he faked smiled.

I smiled back. "You should know you've done it your whole life."

Not pleased with my comment, he turned to face the front with the cutest mean mug I've ever seen plastered on his face. Gosh that boy could be much more attractive if he just loses the pissy attitude.

The rest of lunch was good. Our table was live. The guys were cracking jokes and chatting about what boys chat about - girls & sports.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur. I was too ready to go.

The final bell rang and I was flying to the bus. To my surprise A was there in my usual seat occupying the window seat. I made it to my seat, and she had this huge smile in her face. I could see why. She was sharing MY seat with Isaac, one of the guys at our lunch table today. I guess he caught her attention. I cleared my throat, they shared one last smile and said their goodbyes. Taking the seat where Isaac once was I asked her, "Your parents must've given you permission to come over my house again today?" She's been over there every day this week. TT Abby had trouble coming to get her.

"Yes, yes they did." she said with a wide smile.

I rolled my eyes. I love her, and she's my BFF and all but I want my space.

"They also said I could spend the weekend if it was okay with your parents."

"Why not me?" I asked.

"Cause it's written all over your face that you don't want me to." she said waving a finger.

I laughed and sat back in my seat. The rest of the ride home was silent between us.

As soon as we got home, A busted through the door searching for either one of my parents. She bumped into my mom first.

"TT can I spend the weekend here please?"

"Of course Hun." my mom said without even hesitating.

I thought to myself, "This is going to be a loooong weekend."



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