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Chapter 10: Boys

Wednesday. "It's time for lunch," Mrs. Martinez yelled. Everyone scrambled out of the room.

Entering the lunchroom, my ears were ringing with the amount of chatter going on. I got in line waiting to get my tray. Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned to see who it was, and I didn't see anyone. I felt a tap on the opposite shoulder, and turned to find no one there. I felt another tap, so I decided to do a full 360 turn. I found Destin standing directly behind me with the goofiest smirk adorning his features.

I was about to hit him in his stomach, but I failed miserably when he caught my wrist and pulled me into him giving me a breathtaking bear hug. Two minutes passed and he still had me in his death grip.

"Ok Boy D, you can let go of me now."

"Nope. I like hugging you. You're so warm, cuddly, and cute." He said letting me out of his grasp, but not before pinching my cheeks.

I slapped his hands away. "So you think I'm cute huh?" I said raising a eyebrow accompanied by a smirk.

"Actually I think you're beautiful." he said taking a step closer looking me square in the eyes.

My breath hitched in my throat for a second causing me to get lost in his eyes.

"It's your turn to order your lunch." A third party spoke up sounding a bit angered. I looked to my left to see Liam shooting daggers in the side of Destin's face.

I don't understand why he's upset when he had Ashley clinging to him.

I rolled my eyes, ordered my lunch, and stormed out of the line. "He had some nerve." I said to myself as I took the first empty seat I saw.

Destin came and joined me. We started talking about random things as if to forget that little scene earlier.

Out of the blue he said,"Can I get your number?"

I smirked, "I'll think about it."

I got up to throw my trash away.

"How long do you need to think about it?"

"I don't know."

"How about you give me an answer at the end of the school day?" he said holding out his pinkie.

"Deal." I said curling my pinkie around his.


He pecked me on the cheek before we went back to our homerooms.


One my way to last period I hit a road block and it's name was Liam. He looked like he was ready kill.

"So are you going to tell me was going on with you and the new kid?"

"There's nothing to tell."

"That's not what it looked like in the cafeteria."

"Why do you care when you were wrapped up in Ashley?"

He smirked. "You're jealous."

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm not jealous."

"Could've fooled me. Excuse me I have to get to class if you don't mind." I said walking pass him.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me close with our face centimeters apart.

"Please don't be mad at me. I hate it when you're mad, and it's my fault." he said gently brushed my cheek with his thumb.

"I'm not mad. It's just that you've been acting strange lately and it's kinda annoying."

"I'm sorry. It's just I feel as if it's my duty to protect you as your best friend."

"I can take care of myself you know."

He smiled.

"We have to go to class."

He pulled me to class with my walker dragging behind.

Today in gym was book work day. I was too happy when the bell rung signaling school was over. I was making my way to the door when Destin stepped in front of it.

"Do you have my answer yet?"

I playfully rolled my eyes, grabbed his hand, and wrote my number on his palm.

"Use it or loose it." I said with a wink. Then, we walked to the bus together.


A/N: ALERT: Boring chapter, but don't let that stop you from COMMENTING AND VOTING.!

I'll do my best to do better in the editing department from now on.

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