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Chapter 6: Hold Up

Monday and Tuesday Liam and I were inseparable in and out of school. Our favorite hangout spot was the park. We didn't care that we got weird looks being as big as we are running around and playing in what was meant to be a realm for kids twice as young as us. We knew we were big kids at heart.

There seemed to be a person who loathed that I was so close to Liam. Who is it, you ask? April Adams.

She hasn't been around much despite our (Liam and I's) effort to include her in everything that we do. She still puts herself on the outside of it all. It's like she rather be on the outside looking in than collectively enjoying the friendship that has grown. For example, on Tuesday her and I were talking like we always do before the school day officially starts. We were goofily laughing and joking until Liam showed up. She stopped mid-sentence, mumbling something about having to return something the library, and scurried off not sparing me a glance. That's when I silently promised to find out what was going on with her Wednessday after school before dinner.

So at the moment I'm in gym class waiting to go home. I was going to try out for the girls' basketball team, but the coach said it'll be too rigorous for me. I think that's pure discrimination. She just assumed because of the way I am I can't handle the sport of basketball. I didn't fight her on it because sports have never been my thing. I just thought it would be fun to do something different, but it's not like I'm planning on making a career out of it. She can have the stupid sport.

The bell rung and I was the first onae in the locker room to change back into my regular clothes I didn't do anything in gym, but sit there and watch A avoid me. I texted my mother while I getting ready telling her I was going over A's house from school she OKed it telling me to be ready at 3:30pm my dad was going to pick me up on his way home from work. I OKed and ran to the bus. I got to my seat before April got on the bus, and to my surprise she walked pass my seat like she didnt see me there. Which I know for a fact she did because we made eye contact.

I just turned toward the window, and she kept walking.

I usually get off the bus before April, but I told the bus driver to skip my stop.

Her stop was made. I let her go first then I follow behind. The door gets open I say a hello to everyone I see, and make my way upstairs to April's room.

I get there.

The door is closed.

I don't bother to knock.

I walk in and closed the door. She was laying across her bed clutching a monthly edition of seventeen magazine.

"April Adams are you going to tell me why you've been acting like a stranger lately?" I ask shooting daggers in the side of her head while she refused to take her attention off of the magazine.

"Who knew you cared." She said still scanning a page.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. It's just that I see you've found yourself a new best friend, and I don't want to be in the way."

"Hold up don't you see you're sidelining yourself. Liam doesn't want to take your place. He's actually open to us all being friends."

"Yeah sure don't feel like it."

"That's because you choose not to see it but I have to go now. The ball is in your court now. It's up to you if we remain friends because you're doing this to yourself."

I walked out the house saying goodbye to everyone and hopping in the front seat of the car with my dad.

On the way home Liam texted me:

LovableLiam: What time is dinner?

AshilykIsUnique: You don't remember?

LovableLiam: Obviously not if I'm asking you.

AshilykIsUnique: No need to get smart & it's at 6.

LovableLiam: Ok see you then best friend.

I smiled at the last part. It's the first time he's called me that.

The car came to a stop, and we got out going into the house. I went straight upstairs to get ready for dinner. It was 4pm.

By the time 6pm rolled around I was dressed on a pink tunic, black jeggings, and my Minnie Mouse slippers. my hair was up in a messy bun I had on light makeup, and stud earrings.

I was sitting on the couch curled up under a blanket watching the last of Raise Your Voice when the doorbell sounded through the house. I got it since no one else made an attempt to. Mom was in the kitchen finishing dinner. My dad and brothers were upstairs getting ready.

I opened the door and greeted the family before me and invited them in.

Liam's parents followed to smell of spaghetti, fish, and cookie pudding straight into the kitchen.

"Nice footwear." Liam said as I locked the door.

"Thanks. They are quite adorable dontcha think?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen with my arm linked through Liam's.

My answer was him shaking his head.

Everyone sat down and filled their plates. For awhile the sound of people eating was all that filled the silence until the grown ups engaged in a conversation about investments and work that none of us younger folk were interested in. That's when Liam and I began texting back and forth.

LovableLiam: Hey.

AshilykIsUnique: Hi.

LovableLiam: Wyd?

AshilykIsUnique: Really?

LovableLiam: Lol. Want to go somewhere with me Saturday?

AshilykIsUnique: Depends..Where to?

LovableLiam: It's a secret.

I look across the table at him glaring. He just smiles. Next thing I know he says "Excuse me Mr. Dean can I take your daughter out Saturday?"

"Sure. Just as long as you have her back at 10pm. There will be no missing church on Sunday."

"Yes sir." he said smirking at me.

I just sat there with my mouth slightly open at how my dad or mom didn't question him further. They seemed all to willing to agree. Let that be any other guy they would have scared him away with questions.

"Well this was nice, but we have to get home now. We should really do this again sometime." Ms. Amber spoke up.

"Sure." my parents agreed. We all said goodnight and they left.

I went upstairs to get ready for school, shower, and all the while singing along to Cher Lloyd's music.

When I got done saying my prayers, ready to get in bed, my phone buzzed.

LovableLiam: Can't wait til Saturday. Goodnight. 😋

AshilykIsUnique: @@ Goodnight.

I put my phone on the night stand and fell asleep to Chris Brown's "Hold Up".

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