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Chapter 13: No Way

Today, it was boring at school. The day just seemed to pass by slow, and it felt like all eyes were me. As a result, I clung to Destin like he was my life line. That seemed to anger Liam because every time we made I contact it felt like he was shooting daggers at my soul. Can't please everybody, right?

Now, we were at the mall loking for our Morp attire. We went to all my favorite stores, and I couldn't seem to find what I was looking for - a strapless corset top, tutu dress with statemnt jewelry preferably in the colors purple and black with matching converse. Was that too much to ask for?

Destin wasn't realy worried about finding his attire. He said what he planned on wearing he already had. His mom was working her magic on his suit to make sure it fit like he wanted.

"Bae, let's just get out of here," I huffed as we were looking through the dress racks in Macy's for the third time.

"You sure?" he asked with an aprehensive expression.

"Yeah, if we haven't found anything in the," I checked my watch for the time, "four hours we've been here. We aren't going to," I said sounding defeated.

I sat down on the nearest bench. Destin set beside me. He put his pointer finger under my chin, so he could make me look at him. "Don't look so down. We still have time to find you the perfect outfit. Just know, whatever you wear you'll still be beautiful to me," he admitted before kissing my nose.

"You know my lips are just below that, right?"

He winked and responded, "I know."

I rolled my eyes.

"I'll call us a cab, okay?"

"Sure. I'll just go grab us a sluchie and some cookies from the food court."

He nodded, and I walked toward the food court.

I stood in the line for Greatest Cookies for 7 minutes. When it was my turn to order, I ordered four sugar cookies, 1 blue rasberry sluchie, 1 cherry sluchie. My total was $14. I handed the cashier a $10 bill and a $5 bill. I gathered my stuff and told the cahier to keep the change.

Walking back over to Destin. I could see that he wasn't on the phone anymore, but he was carrying on a heated conversation with some girl. The closer I got I recognized that the girl was Ashley. What could she wantt with Destin? As far as I knew, they were strangers, so hid behind the closest kiosk hoping that I could catch some of their conversation.

All I heard was Destin saying, "She doesn't need to know. Now, go back to your litlle boyfriend."

I'm guessing she did what she was told because I heard loud, dramatic footsteps.

I waited a couple of seconds to move. I get up from the kiosk, swung my walker infront of me, and made my way over to Destin.

"Here you go." I handed him his blue rasberry sluchie and sugar cookies.

"Thank you. Let's make our way to the entrance. The cab will be here in five minutes."


The ride to my house was silent. I just couldn't get tw questions out of my head: who is she, and what don't she need to know.

We arrived at my house. Destin paid the cab fare, and we went inside. My mom heard us come through the door. "Did you find anything?" she asked sitting on the couch with her laptop open.

"No," I glumly relayed to her.

"Well you stll have time to," my dad said standing in the door frame of the kitchen.

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