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Chapter 7: My Brother Moving?

Today when I woke up I knew it was going to be a lazy day for me. If we could wear sweats to school that's what I'd be in - instead of some jeggings and a white button down - waiting in this long line trying to get some breakfast to fuel my brain for today. I am in good spirits today, but I feel a little dazed or out of it even. I been ignoring everything around me today. I haven't said nothing to anyone but my family when I told them see you later love you. Everything else is non-existent to me.

Last night, I discovered something that boggled my mind. It dangerously upset me.

I overheard my brother, Greg, on the phone last night talking to our biological father. Yes, the man that we live with is not Greg and I's biological father, but he's the closest thing to one we've ever had. He's been in our life for 5 years and has already done more than that scum who contributed his sperm in our development. The man who is apart of our genetic make up has never did anything in his life to make ours better, but yet Greg choose to continue to keep in touch with him after he's proven time and time again that he wants nothing to do with us.

Oh how could I forget: it's just me he doesn't want anything to do with. He's described me as the curse God gave him just because I have Cerebral Palsy. I'm his first born child, and I'm the first child he basically disowned.

When the douche remarried after mom he married a woman with kids that weren't his and yet he had no problem taking care of them. I was his only "problem".

Aside from all that, what I heard last night was upsetting, and I'm glad I heard it and not mom.

(Flashback form last night)

"Hey dad. Can I come live with you? I hate it here." Greg said trying to whisper, but his bedroom door was cracked. I could hear every word.

I imagined the monster on the other line smirking asking why the sudden change when he was offered the same option and it was refused.

"They're always on my back about something, and breathing down my neck like I can't do nothing right."

I thought to myself you can't. You can't even be trusted to you correct grammar with those double negatives.

"It seems like they show favoritism to Ashilyk cause she always get what she wants."

I scoffed at the statement. That's not true. You just don't do what you supposed to do. If you do do it it's not done right. Believe me I'm not the poster child for model children, but I do my best to try and do what I'm told how I'm told to do it. I also own up to my mistakes which he fails to do. You can ask this boy if he left the toilet up when it is up and you just seen him come out of the bathroom, and he will look you in your face and tell you no. Just plain stupid right?

Deciding I didn't want to hear anymore I went back to my room.

(End of flashback)

Still in my daze, racking my brain for an explanation as to why I heard what I heard last night Liam grabbed our breakfast trays and carried them to any empty table where he continued going on and on about something I wasn't interested in.

The rest of the day passed by fast. I did my work, jotted homework down, and what not.

April didnt even attempt to speak or acknowledge my presence today, so I guess she's done being my friend. I did my part trying to get things back to normal. She's the one that decided to dismiss it, so I wipe my hands of the situation like she's seemed to have done. I guess it just Liam and I.

The final bell of the day rung, and I rushed to the door since I didn't change for gym class. I told Ms. Jones I wasn't feeling well. I was about to get on the bus when Liam called me.

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