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Chapter 12: Have I Lost My Best Friend?

"Dang, bae. Shut up." Destin said for the millionth time throwing popcorn at me.

I laughed.

Today is Tuesday. Destin didn't want to go to the mall today. He's so lazy sometimes.

Right now, we're watching In the Mix with Usher in it. That's my movie! I know the whole thing word for word.

"You can't tell me what to do," I said pelting him back with a handful of popcorn.

"Really," he said making his way to my side of the bed.

"Really, R-E-A-L-L-Y," I spoke as I made my way to the other side of the room.

He jumped off the bed making his way over to me in an instant. He trapped me between him and the wall.

"Want to rethink that?" he questioned looking me deep in the eyes.

I was determined not to falter under his stare. "Not a chance," I replied. Lord knows hate people looking my square in the eyes. It's like they can see straight through my soul.

He broke eye contact to plant a soft kiss on my shoulder where my skin was exposed from the tank top I had on. I shuddered at this action. His smirked against my skin confirming he felt my reaction. "What about now?" he probed as his lips moved to my neck. I had no doubt that he knew what he was doing. Destin was no virign. He made it very clear that he knew his way around a female's body the day we were playing 21 questions in an attempt to get to know one another.


"Dinner's ready," my mom's voice rang through my ears.

"Coming." I managed to get out.

"You are?" Destin queried, smirking, and lifting an eyebrow suggestively.

"Shut up." I flushed red and pushed him away from me.

"You're hot, when you're flustered."

"Again, shut up," I said as we made our way downstairs.


For dinner we had my mom's homemade stuffed crust, meat lover's pizza and steak fries. Casual chatter filled the dinner table, as we all scarfed down our food.

Shortly after everything was cleaned up, Destin said goodbye to everyone, and I walked him to the end of my street where he kissed me goodnight and promised to text me before he went to bed. When, he turned the corner, I walked back home. He lived three houses down to the right of my street.  When I made it to my driveway, I looked across the street to Liam's house. He was taking out the trash. I waved at him, and he just dropped the trash in the garbage and turned to walk back in the house.

As I walked up to my door I thought to myself, "Have I lost my best friend?"

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