Chapter 2-August 10th, 1495

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August 10th, 1495

Two days in and most of the boys on the ship were already homesick. They talked in their restless sleep, calling out to family members who weren’t there. The older men were barely any better, with all of us crammed into one room; it wasn’t hard to miss any heartfelt whispers given to pictures or trinkets.

As for me, the only thing I felt was nervous and seasick. At home, the only people I had to fool into thinking that I was a boy were other boys, and old teacher, and the half-blind fisherman that I had worked for. Here, there were a lot of old men with wise eyes. I would have to step up my performance 10-fold. I knew it wasn’t the only one seasick though. Even after spending a year and a half on a fishing boat, its gentle motion hadn’t prepared me for the huge sway of the ship.

Mornings were rough for almost everybody, not everyone was an early riser and there wasn’t a regular sleep schedule. I was sure they would get used to it though, my job as the fisherman’s apprentice required early mornings, nothing as early as this however. There were people who worked the ship at night but that didn’t mean we could sleep the night away. Shifts were taken and only 10 to 15 people slept at the same time. It didn’t bother me much, I mean, the ship can’t sail itself after all.

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