Chapter 13-October 2nd, 1495

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October 2nd, 1495

Although the trade with the Taino didn’t work out, there were still plenty of things left to do. Now that we were on land, I had everyone take advantage of the food that was here. I spent the last week stocking up on food for the trip back. Captain Nyle actually had some hunting skills and managed to catch a couple of creatures that I could use for meat to eat. When my father was out at sea, he found that salt was a good way to preserve food and he even found a way to get salt out of the ocean. By following a pretty difficult process, I managed to get some salt that I could use to preserve the meat.

Once the ship was stocked up with more supplies than we had before we even began, the captain wanted to press on to look for the islands natural treasures. The whole crew was reluctant to get back on the ship after finding land again. Before we got on, I saw some of the crew members bringing a Taino girl onboard the rowboat. I asked the captain what we were bringing her for and he just said ‘a guide’ before he went back to talking with Peter. I didn’t really approve of taking this girl away from her homeland, but it wasn’t like I was anyone to be going against the captain’s orders.

We set sail again and everyone was pretty excited. Finding treasure was on everyone’s minds although I wasn’t looking for a fortune. I had just really wanted to experience the sea for myself. Sailing was pretty easy; the wind was definitely in our favor. In no time at all, another island was covering the horizon and I wondered what kind of things would happen there.

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