Chapter 20-November 13th, 1495

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November 13th, 1495

My bad luck started out a few days ago and that ended up affecting everyone on the ship. A couple days ago, I wasn’t feeling to well so I went to Eliza to make sure that there was nothing wrong with me. When she took my temperature and saw that I had a high fever, she put me to bed immediately and despite our weird first encounter, she was actually really caring and not out to purposely kill anybody. It was about time for the supply check though, but when I was going to get out of bed to do it, Eliza held me down, insisting that I couldn’t get up.

There wasn’t really anyone else who could do it and I didn’t want something going wrong if someone messed up. Voicing my worries to Eliza, she promised that she would find a reliable person to do it in my place. I put my trust in her and settled down for a short nap. I had dreams of fire and pain and sadness and desperation. It was a weird feeling, I had never felt all these emotions with such clarity. When I woke up I wasn’t sure how this had gone wrong.

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