Chapter 11-September 20th, 1495

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September 20th, 1495

It was dawn when I heard screaming coming from up in the deck. I woke up to it and I wondered what was going on. Climbing out of bed, I walked up to the deck slowly, rubbing my eyes to become more awake. Once I was on deck, I was sure that I had missed out on some party invitation. Everyone was hugging each other and celebrating with some of the rum we kept in case we ran out of water. There was shouting everywhere and Captain Nyle appeared beside me.

“Land, Alex! We’ve found land!” Captain Nyle shook me by the shoulders and pushed me to the front of the ship, “Look there, on the horizon!”

I squinted and saw a large blob out in the distance, “I see it! I see it!” I was excited and someone passed me a cup of rum. I drank from it but then realized that I was nowhere near being old enough to drink.

“I offered a reward to the first person who found land last night, but I guess you didn’t get the memo. Joel ended up seeing it, you know, that one guy who’s around your age.”

“Oh, is that so?” Somewhere deep down inside, I’m sure that I was happy for him but I was still angry at him for yesterday so I didn’t acknowledge that feeling. I was kind of sad that I didn’t get the reward but the emotion washed away with all the excitement from the rest of the crew.

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