Chapter fifteen

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Payton had started pacing the floor. It wasn't like Joshua to be late like this. He always made sure he was home well before dark. He didn't like to be out on the road after dark in case of a broken spoke or wheel. Especially when he had Tommy... Payton watched Hannah and Jed rolling around on a rug in the floor by the stove. She tried to push the bad feeling away. “God please let them be okay.” she said just as Jed jumped up sending Hannah to the floor with a thud. He let out a loud bellow and ran to the door. He used his paws to scratch on the door and whimpered. Payton sighed with relief, she knew that Jed could hear the wagon long before she could see them.

Hannah had let out a wail when Jed let her fall to the floor. The big mutt didn't mean to harm the baby but sometimes he was to rough. Payton didn't want to let Jed out, afraid that he would scare the horse and cause an accident. Hannah continued to cry and Jed continued to bark. One seemed to try and out do the other until Payton thought she would go mad. Finally she could not only hear the wagon but she could make out the outline now. It looked like he wasn't alone but she couldn't be sure. It was dark out and her eyes could be playing tricks on her. Why would he be bringing someone else home? No it was just shadows she decided.

Payton watched out the window till she knew the wagon had come to a stop and Joshua had put the brake on. Then and only then would she open the door to let Jed out to greet his master. The dog bounded down the steps and she heard the squeal of a woman. Joshua wasn't alone but she didn't know who he had brought with him. She couldn't understand why he would bring a woman home... She felt jealousy rearing it's ugly head and prayed that God could help her except this woman into her home with a pure and honest heart. She was sure that Joshua wouldn't drive a young woman home alone, aware of how it would look.

Helen and Nathan Berry were both sore and tired from the long trip. They had been traveling for well over a week. First by coach then by train; by coach again and then finally by wagon. Helen rubbed her bottom, “I'm getting to old for this much travel.” she told the men. “I can't wait to see my little girl.”

Joshua tied the horse to the post. “Lets go on in. I can take care of this later. I'm sure Payton's already guessed I've brought someone home.” he smiled then, “Lets see if she's guessed who, yet.”

Payton open the door, Hannah on her hip. The baby had quieted down but only when Payton had told her that Pa was home. She thought she was dreaming or maybe she was going mad. She thought she saw her mother and father standing in the breezeway.

Helen grabbed hold of her daughter and hugged her tight. She started to cry and Payton still wasn't sure that it was real. Nathan waited for his wife to release the girl for his turn and when she did he took their daughter in his arms. “Oh, little girl.” he said.

“Daddy?” she asked still in shock.

Helen was wiping tears again with her handkerchief. “Oh, honey, are you surprised? It was all Joshua's ideal. He thought you might need us...”

Payton realized she wasn't dreaming. Her parents were here. She hadn't been sure if she would ever see them again and they were here. Payton stared crying over and over. “Oh, mama! Daddy!” she tried to hug them both at the same time but it was made difficult by little Hannah in her arms.

Joshua pushed them inside, “Let's take this reunion inside where its warmer.” he told them and then took Hannah from her mother. He sat down with both children in his lap and watched as Payton traced her parents faces with her hands and they did the same. They were all kisses and hugs, tears and smiles. It was a very heart warming scene.

Finally Payton turned to her husband and Joshua was surprised by the embrace he found himself in. “Oh, thank you, Joshua! Thank you!” She kissed him full on the mouth and then turned back to her parents. “I guess you've met my husband and son but this is Hannah.” she said and at the mention of her name Hannah slid from Joshua's lap and jumped around the room. Everyone laughed and so she continued to put on a show for the adults. Tommy didn't want to be out done and so he joined her.

The night continued long past dark. The Berrys took the children's room and Payton put the children in the room with them. She put a pallet on the floor of quilts and made sure they were warm enough. Joshua hung a tote sack between the two rooms for privacy. Payton slipped into her night dress and slid between the blankets while Joshua went to check on the horses. They still hadn't consummated the marriage. Payton had wanted to wait until she was sure she would be staying. She couldn't give herself to Joshua until she knew he loved her and that they would spend the rest of their lives together. Joshua hadn't ever brought the subject up. He was the perfect gentleman.

Payton sighed, they shared kisses and sweet and tender touches. But nothing quite so personal. She laughed thinking how silly it was that they shared a bed but hardly touched each other. Joshua had took to holding her at night when he fell asleep and she liked being in his arms. Sometimes she was glad that he couldn't see her in the dark of the night. She would blush something fierce when he put his arms around her and whispered tender words in her ear. Sometimes she had wished for more than just this holding and would quickly reprimand herself before she realized that this man holding her was her husband.

Joshua returned to the room very careful of the children in the floor asleep. He slipped out of his trousers and shirt but left his long johns on. Once in the bed he slipped his arms around his wife and hugged her. “I hope your not angry with me.”

Payton turned in his arms to face him, “Angry with you!” she whispered, “Why would I be angry with you? You brought my parents home to me.”

“But I kept it from you for two months.”

Payton slipped her arms around him and hugged him. In the dark it was easier for her to show her affection for him. “I'm so happy. I wish I could show you how happy you've made me.” she said, “I love..”


“It's nothing, I just love what you did for me. No one has ever done something so thoughtful for me before.”

“Oh,” he said and she thought he sounded disappointed.

“Did I upset you, Joshua?”

“No, I just thought... I wasn't sure what you were going to say I hoped...I hoped you... Oh, never mind lets go to sleep, Love. It's late and tomorrow the sun won't wait on us to rise.”

Payton agreed but felt she had disappointed him somehow.

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