Chapter seventeen

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Doris hated to break up the party but after what only seemed like five minuets she ushered them back out. “Both mother and baby need some rest. They've had a long night and long ordeal. You men will have to fend for yourselves the next few hours because we are all gonna take a little nap; as much as we can.”

Nathan noticed that Betty Jo was lying on the bed he that Helen had been using and Payton was in the other bed. “Where are we suppose to sleep?” he asked his wife.

Helen laughed, “Well unless you want to share a bed with Doris and Betty I suggest you bed down in the other part of the house or the barn.” she said with a sly look on her face. The women went into a fit of giggles as Helen pushed them out on the breezeway and shut the door behind them.

Nathan looked over at his son-in-law. “Well, I think we've just be bested, son.”

Joshua laughed, “It don't matter to me. I would sleep in the chicken coop if that woman told me to.” he laughed speaking of Doris. “She's tanned my hide more times that I'd like to admit.”

Nathan laughed, “Yeah and Helen means what she says too.” he shook his head, “Well, lets go an' get as comfortable as we can. I have a feeling we're gonna be plagued by women visitors over the next few days.”

Nathan never realized how true his words would ring. It seemed as though every woman in the county had heard about the baby and wanted to come and see the new mother. Each one brought a little something to help them out. Some brought pies or cookies or cakes. Others brought casseroles and favorite dishes. One woman brought mashed potatoes, “When I had my third I just wanted potatoes anyway you could make 'em.” she explained. Another who brought peas and carrots said, “My ma' always said that peas and carrots make a good strong baby.” One even brought over some milk and eggs. “You be sure and eat a good healthy breakfast so that baby can grow big and strong. We like fat babies.” And everyone of them had to hold him.

Melissa brought over a set of booties she had knitted the night Payton was in labor. “When I got all the children settled down, well, I couldn't settle down. So, I just sat up all night and knitted these little booties. When the sun came up and I was finished I knew that God was gonna take care of everything. I wasn't a bit surprised when Joshua came and got the children before lunch. He and your father were so excited about taking them home to meet little Nate.” Melissa kissed the baby in her arms. “He just makes Nina look so big but I know she's not.” She laughed, “Isn't that funny. Your little boy makes my little girl look big.”

Payton nodded from her spot in the bed. Her nine days weren't up yet and she was still confined to the bed except for small walks around the room to wash her face and use the chamber pot. Her mother had just let her start using it again the day before.

“I hated those yucky bed pads.” she told her new friend. “It's just so unclean.”

Melissa snarled her nose, “I know but my mother insisted it's just part of the deal.”

Payton adjusted herself in the bed and sighed, “It has been nice though, you know, just worrying about myself and this little man.”

Melissa brought the baby back over to her and set him on the bed next to his mother. “Speaking of him, I think he needs to eat. He was looking for something over there.” she indicated the chair she had just occupied, “And I don't mind feeding him for you but I don't know how Nina would feel about this little feller taking the food from her mouth, literately.”

Payton laughed, “Okay. Thank you, Melissa for everything. You were a friend to me when I didn't have one. I hope we can continue our friendship until we have grandchildren and great grandchildren and maybe great-great grandchildren.”

“You're making us old!” Melissa told her.

And they both laughed.

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