Notice Me

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This Chapter is for soulunbreakable for giving me this wonderful idea ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You were on your window looking at y/c/n that lives next door. He is currently laying on his bed and checking his phone. You had a crush on him since the first time that he moved next door. He was really handsome for a guy at his age and let me tell you this he was just as your age yet he looked like a model.

You were kinda stalking him but like who doesn't stalk their crush right. You are preparing yourself for school because you wouldn't want to be late plus your studying for you to get in that school that you have always wanted.

~~~ AT SCHOOL~~~

"Hey um y/n can you help me with this thing cause I don't have any idea how to do this." You could obviously point out that he is shy and he is just so cute that you are having a fan girl attack but you just remained quiet.

"Um y/n" You snapped out from daydreaming about him.

"Um sure let me see." you took his notebook from him and began explaining things for him and at the same time your making sure that he is listening to you but you never forget to steal glances while doing so.

"Do you understand this things now y/c/n?"

"Yeah thanks for the help though y/n. I owe you one." He said while smiling at you.

Oh my he is so cute I could just squash him to death. Nah I can't I just can't do that to this guy.

"So you want to get some lunch we are somehow late for lunch and I'm so sorry for that but I can pay for both of us. This is the least I can do after what I caused you."

"Sure and you didn't cause that much trouble."

"Let's go"


While walking you were still not believing that
one: your crush approached you
Two: he asked for your help
Three: He asked you to lunch
This things don't happen everyday plus the fact that he knows who you are cause even though you're neighbors you have never talked with each other. That is why you only look at him at the window.

"We're here so what would you like?" He politely asked

(Imagine the food that you would eat for lunch) You told him what you wanted and then you searched for empty seats.

"Okay, so here is your food."

"Thank you so much"

"It's fine plus I should be the one thanking you."

"Okay so let's eat."

After eating you got back to your classroom and got back to listening.

At dismissal he walked you home insisting that he only lives next door.

After that day you both became real close and even started to go to each others house for a movie marathon.

~~ At your friends house~~

"Okay y/n truth or dare" y/f asked


"I dare you to kiss y/c/f on the cheeks"
y/n said while smirking.

You glanced at y/c/n that was also here but he was just talking yo his other friends.

You approached y/c/f on the cheeks and glanced back at your crush but refrained yourself out of thinking that he wouldn't even care. Then it was his turn.

"Okay y/c/n truth or dare?"


"I dare you to give y/n a back hug."

You were blushing furiously until you felt a pair of arms enveloping you to a tight hug.

"WOOOOOOOOOHHH!!" Whistles and yells where heard everywhere.

He removed his hands around you and the feeling of security was also gone but you knew that you shouldn't get use to it cause you and him are never gonna happen.

After the party you went home all alone and you were not used to this because every time you got home he was always with you but right now he wasn't and you just had to be used to this.

~~At your house~~

You were laying on your bed thinking about him and all of what happened since that day. When suddenly you heard your window opening and you saw him getting inside your room.

"Hey are you up?" he said as he was walking to you

"nah I'm sleeping this is just my conscience talking to you right now." I sarcastically stated

"okay so what is up with the sarcasm"

"nothing *sigh* just tired."

"okay but can I ask you a question?"

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Chill, but seriously can I ask you something?"

"Fine what is it cause I'm sle-"

"Will you go out with me?"

You were caught off guard because of what y/c/n but as a reply you only leaned to him and kissed him on the lips.

"I will take that as a yes"


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