The puppy

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You were on your way to the mall with your friends and surprise surprise you were going shopping.

After 4 hours of shopping you and your friends decided to go to a cafe before heading home.

"So y/n what happened to y/c/n?" Your best friend said

"What do you mean?" You said acting innocent when the truth is you were actually very shy since you had a crush on y/c/n only this year that you get to hang out with him.

"Oh come on y/n we know that you have a crush on him so spit it out woman."

"Well we are friends." You said shrugging it off.

"Yeah cause that's the way 'friends' look at each other." Your best friend said rolling her eyes at you.

"What way? Maybe your just hallucinating." You tried to reason out but the truth is that whenever your with him you just can't hide the adoration in your eyes.

"Come on y/n if I were hallucinating then it would be worse like I don't hallucinate just to see people staring at each other like their some married couple."

"Fine. I do have a tiny crush on y/c/n." I said.

"Oh my gosh she has a HUGE crush on him!" Your friend said squealing and squirming on her sit as if she is about to piss on her sit.

"Hey y/f are you going to piss or something and please stop squealing your so noisy." You said glaring at her

( y/f- your friend)

"Ok ok I'll stop so you could also stop glaring at me like I'm supposed to turn to ash or what not."

You just rolled your eyes at her.

"Sssoooooo y/n have a huge crush on-" your friend was cut off by someone who was supposed to be not here.

"On who?" And with that you quickly knew who it was that is why you stiffed.

"Oh she has a crush o-" your friend was supposed to continue when you stopped her.

"On on on the p-puppy that we saw e-earlier... y-yeah that's right." You stuttered hoping that he'll believe you.

"Oh I thought you had a crush on someone." Y/c/n said

"Nah it was just that puppy was so cute." You said.

"Oh by the way why are you girls here?"

"Oh we were just doing some shopping then before we decided to go home we just went to the cafe." Your friend simply said.

"How about you what are you doing here? Wait. Are you on a date?" Your friend said suspiciously.

"Nah I just want to buy some things."

You sighed relieved that he was not on a date.

"Oh yeah y/n here just wanted to buy some things before she goes home but we have to go ahead cause it's past our curfew so can you please take her with you." Your friend said and a huge smirk was glued to her face which you just gave her a glare but in return she just shrugged.

"Oh no it's ok I can just buy it next time. I don't want to bother yo-" you started explaining.

"It's ok I also wanted some company anyways." Y/c/n said smiling at you.

"A-are you sure cause you don't really have t-"

"It's ok." He smiled at you giving you assurance that is was really ok.

"See and we have to go bye y/n bye y/c/n" your friends said as they head home or so I thought cause seconds later your friends texted you that they were just going to another mall.

"Let's go?" He said

"Yup let's go." You smiled at him

After an hour you were done buying what you boy needed well actually needed since you just pretended that you needed stuff.

"Thanks for the time y/c/n. " You smiled at him

"It's ok I really had a great time anyways. But can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure as long as I can do it."

"Well can I drive you to your house?"

"Are you sure? You really don't have to I caused enough hassle."

"It's fine I also have something I forgot anyway so can you wait for me at my car?"

"Sure." He gave you a smile and headed to somewhere he was supposed to go. You already know what he's car was since you always saw him driving it to school.

You waited for him in about 5 minutes already and there was still no sign of him.

You were standing outside his car.

You suddenly felt something lick your neck from your back that is why you jumped away from that thing that licked you.

"Arf. Arf" you look at your back and found the puppy that you told y/c/n earlier and based on your instincts you quickly hugged the puppy and to your surprise y/c/n was carrying him.

"Y/c/n you bought the puppy?"

"Yup he is just a cutie don't you think."

All you could do was nod cause you has mixed feelings about him buying the puppy cause ever since you saw the puppy you always visited the pet shop. You were happy since the puppy was in good hands and that it finally had a family but you were also sad cause you wished that you were it's owner.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked you concern was written all over his face.

"Nothing really. What makes you think that?"

"Ok but can you help me naming the puppy?"

"That would be a huge privilege but are you sure you want me to help you?"

"Yup it's yours anyways."

"Ok the- WHAT?!" You realized what he just said and you couldn't help but shout at his news.

"Yup this cutie here is yours I bought him for you."

"Are you serious? I mean it's your money and plus I'm not sure if I could take good care of him. I could forget to feed him. I could leave him behin-"

"Hey I can sense that you have a connection with this puppy and I could sense that you like him that is enough proof for me that you could take care of him."

"Thank you so so much." You were so happy that you hugged him.

"Your welcome and perhaps may I ask you a question?"

"Your already asking but go on."
He chuckled at that.

"Can you go on a date with me?" He shut his eyes and hoped for the best.

"Is that why you bought me the puppy?"

"No I bought the puppy cause I saw the connection between the two of you."

"I'm sorry y/c/n-"

"It's ok I understand." He lowered his head.

"I'm sorry because I'm accepting your offer and you couldn't do anything about it." You said smiling at him.

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