Ugly duckling

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You were broke.

He broke you.

You trusted him.

You did everything but he has done nothing but ignore you.

Nah you were just overreacting. 

The truth was that y/c/n doesn't even know a thing about you. He was just him. He was every girls ideal type and you were you. Your friends tell you that you should dress more if you want y/c to notice you but you don't want that and as cliche as it may sound but you want him to notice you as yourself and not someone that you're not.

"Y/N! You're spacing out again!"  You friend yelled at you.

"Oh sorry."

"What were you thinking anyways?" She asked


"Is it about y/c/n?" She said teasing you.

"N-No" You were stuttering because you were caught.

"Eh stop lying to me y/n I know that you were thinking of him. You always do." Y/f said.

"That's not true-"

"Is that y/c/n?!" She yelled pointing behind you.

You quickly looked behind you only to find out that no one was there.

"See. What I mean." She said chuckling.

"Fine I admit it." You sighed in defeat.

"Good for you. Now are you going later?" 

"Going where?"

"Aish! You forgot about the party that y/c/n is throwing?" She said in disbelief.

"Nah. I feel like staying home and besides he didn't invite me."

"Yah! This days people don't have to be invited to go to a party and besides there are a lot of girls there. Maybe he would find a girl that he likes there." 

"Fine but I don't know what to wear." You said because you don't really often go to parties.

"Girl I got you." Y/f said smirking at you. You were having a bad feeling about this.

+After 3 hours+

"I did a really good job! My gosh even a professional can't compare there work to me." Y/f was really excited.

"I'm killing you if I would look like a monster." You said.

"Oh don't worry girl you were a monster hahaha." 

"Yah! You are such a good friend." You could not help being sarcastic.

"I know right. Now go look at yourself at the mirror." y/f said as she pushed you in front of the mirror.

When you looked at mirror you were beyond shocked.

"OH MY GOSH! Am I seeing a Greek goddess?!" You were looking at mirror. You were beyond shocked. You were not a complete ugly duckling after all.

"See! I told you I did a great job." y/f said proudly.

"Yes you did." You were fascinated you didn't know that you could be beautiful.

"Now It's time to go. We are 10 minutes late and that is a good entrance."

You took y/f car since you don't have one.

You were 30 minutes late when you arrived. As you got down the car you felt all eyes on you. You were not used to this kind of attention but y/f told you to look up and never look down.

You got inside y/c house. This is where the party is happening since he's parents are out of town. You saw y/c at the living room talking with his friends luckily there were no girls. One of his friends saw you and they immediately whispered to y/c.

You looked somewhere else. You were alone because y/f was already dancing with somebody. You were surprised when a tall figure approached you.

"I didn't know that you were coming." Y/c approached you with a smile on his face.

"Y-yeah. y/f told me that I could come sorry for not telling you." You said you couldn't help but look down because his gaze was to strong.

"It's okay I told y/f to invite you anyways." 

"Really?" You were shocked that he would do something like that.

"Yup, I'm glad you came and besides did anyone tell you that you look beautiful?"

You nodded still looking at the ground because you were definitely blushing.

"Well you really are. My friends told me that you're a ugly duckling turned into a swan but I don't believe them." 

That was the time that you looked up and looked at his face but you stayed silent.

"You know why?" He asked.

"No." You answered 

"Because I think that you are beautiful even without make up and even when you wear simple clothes. I actually like you." You could tell that he was blushing and that made you dumbfounded. Y/c blushing! No way!

"Are you serious right now?" You asked. you were still in a state of shock.

"Dead serious." He said looking into you eyes.

He was inching closer and you knew that he was about to kiss you.

He was leaning closely and before he could kiss you turned you head that is why he only kissed your cheek.

"I like you but still not giving you a kiss because we are not even a couple." You said smirking.

"Aw how sad." He said pouting. 

Aww so cute you thought. You couldn't help but pinch his cheeks.

"Ow, I can't kiss you but you can pinch me on the cheek." He said as if he was angry at you.

You made eye contact and that is when you both started laughing your butt's out.

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