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Right now you are practicing how to play basketball. Since all people that you know play this game and most of all your crush is the captain of the Basketball team.

You wanted to know why people were so addicted to Basketball.

You were trying run while dribbling but then you being you. You tripped and hit your knee at the floor.

You quickly sat up but not after feeling the pain on your knee.

You looked at your knee and saw a wound though it was not deep it still freaking hurts.

Tsk. Tsk. So much for wearing shorts.

"Y/N! What happened?!" Y/c/n approached you his eyes filled with concern.

"Uh it's nothing just a little wound that's all. I'm okay" You said as if it was so casual to have a wound that still freaking hurts!

"No your not. Let me see." He reached out for your leg and saw the wound.

"We should get you to a hospital."He said about to carry me.

"Y/c/n you don't have to do that and plus this is just a minor injury. I'll be fine." You said to him giving him a smile.

You tried to stand up but then you felt a sudden pang of pain. Which caused you to fall on your butt.

"Atleast let me carry you to your house."

"O-okay but just a piggy back ride."

He turned his back at you and you took that as a signal to climb on his back and you succesfully did well except for the small pain that your feeling.

You were on his back and you couldn't help but snuggle your face on his neck which smelled so manly and fresh anyways.

You didn't want this to end but fate was not on your side and you noticed your house infront of you.

"T-thanks for carrying me all the way back to my house." You said while blushing.

"No problem and it's the least that I could do." He said and smiled at you.

"Thanks bye." You told him.

"No problem." He said smiling at you.

You got inside your house and run upto your room forgetting the pain that you have been experiencing since you were so happy.

You got inside your room and started screaming to the top of your lungs and just started fangirling over your crush.

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