Childhood Crush prt. 2

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"Good morning class so today we are joined by our transfere." He got inside and I was shocked by the most handsome man that I have ever laid my eyes on. It was y/c/n.

It was y/c/n



~~Flashback ended~~

Until you realized everything. Your crush, your childhood bestfriend and the love of your life was here. After so many years of waiting and calling him you have finally seen him. He has really grown into the guy that you knew that he was gonna be. You didn't realize that you have been spacing out until you realized that he walked passed you.

He was sitted behind you and every eye was focused on him and you immediately knew that he will be one of the populars. Then you remembered all the avoiding that he has done after you moved then just in a snap you felt all those emotions that you felt when he started avoiding you.

You didn't even notice that it was time for your next class. You got up and left not even throwing a glance at y/c/n.

Your day went by with your crush being intruduced in some of your classes. After hearing the bell that signifies that it is already time for you to head home. You got up and packed your things. Your house was only a few walks away from school. Nah who are you joking your house was a million walks away. That is why you take the bus but you usually got down to the stop before the stop that leads you home.

You just wanted to relax before you got home and walking makes you feel at peace. It just calms your nerves even with all the stress from school. You were walking peacefully until you felt something or someone was walking behind you. You stopped and looked who was walking behind you. You saw him your crush.

He was wearing a black hoodie and you got to admit he really looked like a Greek god but nothing like Hephaestus.

You didn't notice that you were staring at him until you heard something snapping.

"Hey. Hey!"

"Oh... What?"

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Hahaha me staring at you? Are you serious?" You nervously laughed

He just gave you a look that says I-am-serious.

"Uhh you are mistaken I was not staring at you I was just curios on... Ummm.... Ah on where you bought that hoodie." You said hoping that he will let this slide.

"If you say so. Wait if I'm not mistaken your stop is still on the next one so why did you get down here?"

"Well I just wanted to walk and enjoy the little things plus I do this everyday."

The two of you kept talking that you didn't even notice that you were outside your house.

"Ah thanks I had a great time but wait didn't I disturb you. Where is your house by the way?"

He pointed the house infront of yours and you realized that yesterday you also noticed a moving van. You didn't notice but a tear fell from your face. You just couldn't control your emotions when you remembered those times that you have spent together. You always asked yourself on what you could've done for him to avoid your calls and everything.

"Shhhh don't cry I'm here." He hugged you. You couldn't even control your body right now. You were hugging him back and you were also shocked for what you did.

"Why did you avoid me?" Those words just came out of your mouth.

"You know? I love you that was what I wanted to tell you. I loved you from the very first time that you made me laugh in that park. I have always loved you until this day. That is why I was so deppressed and sad because you were avoiding me. It hurts you know I know I'm not perfect and I'm not that really beautiful like those girls that surround you but I love you. I don't know why you avoided my calls but you know the thing is I am not mad at you I just can't." After saying those you felt like your tears won't stop.

"I avoided you because you were perfect you were just so perfect that I know you can't love me. How can you say that your not beautiful when guys even treat you like a queen because of your beauty. I avoided you cause I wanted to move on but I can'tI love you y/n always will. I thought that you couldn't love me cause I was just some childhood bestfriend that is why I avoided you but after knowing that you love me. I will never let you go now." He said and truth was evident in his tone.

"That is why I would like you to go out with me but I'm not forci-"

"Yes y/c/n I would like to go on a date with you."


Hi guys and to those silent readers well if your reading this I am so thankful that you are. Please leave a comment or vote for this story. Thank you for lending me and this story your time we are grateful for that. Bye may you also read my next update than

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