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You were with your Family on a 3 day vacation on a Resort. And that resort was located in an island that is very popular.

You and your family arrived at the resort at about 9 pm and after reaching your room you quickly laid on your bed and thinking that you should leave all of the dramas and enjoy your stay here.

You drifted off to sleep thinking of all the possible and great things that you'll do tomorrow.

"Y/N wake up let's go to the beach it's nice to swim in the morning." Your Mom said waking you up.

"Ok Mom I just gotta change to my swimwear." 

After your Mom leaving the room you quickly changed into your swimwear.

As you exited your room you were having a hard time to lock it because you were carrying so many things and suddenly the things that you were holding fell off your hand.

You quickly sighed and started picking up the things that fell. 

Suddenly you saw a pair of hands picking some of your stuff.

You looked up and saw a face that shouldn't have been there. A face that was not supposed to appear in this vacation.

You quickly picked up your things and approached the man that helped you.

"Um t-thanks" You were stuttering because you were so close to him and you couldn't help but smell his scent and as always it was intoxicating.

"No problem" He said as he handed your stuff back.

You quickly grabbed them and locked your room and you sprinted off.

You quickly ran and now your in front of the sea it was so beautiful it has been a long time since you saw the sea and it is really amazing.

Then you remembered what you did back there that was so embarrassing. Why did I even run away.

Stupid y/n you were internally cussing on yourself for what you did.

"Hey y/n! The waters amazing!" Your cousin called you

"Okay I'm coming!" you said as you approached them.

You have been in the water playing with your family and just enjoying yourself that you even forgot what happened earlier.

Right now you were playing beach volleyball and your team was winning when your Mom told you that it was time to eat since we didn't eat much for breakfast cause we were so caught up in playing and caching up.

You and your cousins whined since you still wanted to play but then your Mom shot you a look that said I-will-kill-you-if-you-won't-follow-me and when you and your cousins saw that you quikcly hugged your Mom and just kept on complementing her.

After Lunch you and your cousins decided to try some Beach activities.

All of you were heading to the office  to check out the things that you could do since your's and you cousins parents were having their own time for themselves.

As you arrived the office you saw y/c/n talking to the person in charge for the activities.

When the person in charge heard the door open he welcomed you all and told all of you to take a seat.

Y/c/n hasn't noticed you yet since he was talking to the person in charge. 

After talking y/c/n turned around was shocked to see you there but his face quickly changed from shocked to a smirk. 

You were clueless on what he is thinking inside that head of his.

You didn't mind him and just stood and talked to the person inside there was a lot of activities and you and your cousins decided to do half of it and just do the rest tomorrow since you had a lot of time anyways.

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