His leaving

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TheHighSchoolWriter thanks for the idea.

Your POV


I decided that today I will confess to y/c/n. I'm heading to the park right now since he told me that he has something to tell me.


"Hey there y/c/n." I approached him since he was sitting on one of the benches.

"Hey y/n"

"So what were you going to tell me?"

"Umm you see I like you y/n since the day that you I saw you but I just couldn't get myself to tell you about this cause I didn't want us to be awkward. That is why I decided to just admire you and be your friend."

I had a mental breakdown. I thought that I was the one who would confess but instead this happened. I just couldn't believe my own ears.

"Hey I'm not pushing myself to you y/n I just wanted to confess my feelings cause I just couldn't keep it to myself. I hope nothing changes between us." He looked at the ground as he was talking.

"Well that completely changes every-"
He cut me off with what I was supposed to say.

"I knew it you do-"

"That completely changes everything cause I also like you and since we like each other I think we should start dating."

I said finishing my own sentence.

"Oh I thou- Wait what?! You like me?!"

"Yup ever since I got to know you I keep on falling for you more and more and you know the funny thing is that I was supposed to confess to you."



"So with that settled will you y/n l/n go out with me?"

"Of course" I said giving him my sweetest smile.

I hugged each other and walked around the park holding hands.

(After a few date's)

Y/c/n already asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes.

Right now I was laying on my bed and just staring at the wall. When I felt someone hugged me from the back. I took a deep breath and smelt y/c/n scent.

"Hmmm, What are you doing here?"
I asked breaking the silence.

"I just wanted to tell you something."

He removed his hands around my waist and seated that is why I also seated and looked at him.

"I'm going to (pick a country) y/n."

I was so shocked. I mean we have only been a official couple 3 months ago and now he is going to (country that you choosed).


"It's only temporary y/n. I promise to come back here to you. My family just has to go there. We have no choice. That is why please wait till I'll come back."

"But what if you aren't coming back. What if you find a girl prettier than me. What if you meet someone better than me. I don't want us to break up." Tears were falling from my eyes like it was some waterfall.

"Hey y/n there is no one better than you in my heart. You will always stay here inside my heart I will never find someone cause you are the best for me and no one else. I promise I'll come back. I will never forget you. I promise to stay attached. Okay?"

"Okay, but please come back fast ok?"

"Yes my love I promise."
He smiled then he gave me a hug let me rephrase that. He gave me a bear hug.

"When are you leaving?" By now tears stopped flowing out of my eyes.

"About an hour."

"What? I thought you'll leave tomorrow or something."

"I'm sorry love I didn't want to tell you sooner cause I know that I can never leave when I'll see your sad face."

"It's ok but I wished you told me sooner."

"Sorry love. But can we just cuddle and forget the world for the rest of the time that I'm here."

I just nodded no words left my mouth it was as if I lost my voice.

Me and y/c/n just cuddled for an hour then he got up and of course me being me followed him outside the house.

Then I saw Bags and I just couldn't believe what I'm seeing. And tears started to fill my eyes again. Y/c/n gave me one last hug and said goodbye before he walked towards their car. As he was about to go inside the car I ran to him and turned him around giving him a kiss.

A gift that I wanted him to have and remember. He responded but I was the first one to pull away knowing that he has to leave.

"Goodbye y/c/n" I said hugging him, then suddenly I felt my t-shirt getting wet then I quickly knew that he was crying which made me cry more. I pulled away knowing that I'm delaying him and his family. I stood there as he got in side their car.

I waved goodbye until I couldn't see him anymore.

My parents approached me then I just cried and cried.



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