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@godhatesAna I hope you enjoy your request.


I was at Max's place. We are about to watch the game that we have been waiting.

"Ana the game starts in an hour we should get the snacks."

"I already got it don't worry."

"This will be a good game for sure." Max was  smiling from ear to ear.

We had a lot of time left before the game starts and we  were talking about what has been happening in our lives.

The game was about to start and I was so excited.

All through out the game we were very loud.

"They score again!"


We would get up from our seats and just scream our lungs out when they score and when the other team scores we would just lose our chill.

"Oh come on!" Max was practically going crazy.

"How can that happen?!"

The game was almost over and My voice was getting raspy. I had to keep my chill if I want to keep my voice.

"You're voice is getting raspy Ana."

"My throat hurts like hell. I feel like I was screaming for centuries." I said as I grabbed for the water bottle.

I almost left it empty but my voice was not getting better.

"You okay?" His face was full of concern.

"I'm okay." I assured him.

"Are you sure ? You look pale , let me send you home so that you can rest". He added.

"It's okay, I feel fine don't worry." I reassured him.

"Well If you say so." He was not assured of what I said and he always keeps his eyes on me.

The game continues and I was didn't scream as much as I did before. Fearing that I would lose my voice because of too much screaming. I can still feel Max looking at my direction. 

My heart flutters at the thought of him being concerned of me. I didn't even realize that I was smiling.

"Why are you smiling?"

"O-oh because our t-team is winning." I made a quick alibi 

"Huh? But both teams have same scores."

"The fudge?! how can that happen?" You were beyond surprised.

"The game is almost over and they should break the tie." Max explained

"Our team should win." I stated

"I know they would." He said as he smiled at me which made my heart flutter like crazy."

"AND THEY SCORE!" (I don't know how they announce it sorry.)

"WAHHHHH! WE WON! WE WON!" I run towards Max and hug him.

We were jumping up and down screaming. Our team won! I was still screaming when Max kissed me on the LIPS!


D-did h-he k-kiss me...

on the LIPS?!

I was beyond shocked because of what happened. My eyeballs were about to fall.

"D-did y-you just k-kiss m-me?" I stared at him still shocked.

But instead of answering my question he just leaned forward and seconds later I felt his lips touched mine.

I was still shocked but I let myself get the best of me and responded.

Seconds later we were out of breath and pulled away.

Max was smiling to me finally answering my question,.

"Yes I did and it's my own way of celebrating with you." He said smiling warmly at me.

"W-what?!" I was still shocked.

 He was smiling at me as if finding it cute that I'm still shocked.

"And another reason is that I like you." 

He smiled at me.

++ Author's note ++

I'm sorry I took a long time before I finished it but I had a lot of things going on. I hope you liked it though.

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