Childhood Crush

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You were sitting on one of the benches at the park and looking at the pigeons while some of them eat and some were just walking.

"Hey" a handsome boy approached and when you saw him you immediately thought that he was your age.


"Hey can I sit beside you."

"Sure. I don't own this bench anyway."

"Your cool."


"You like walking at the park don't you."

"Well who doesn't."

"My cousin" He shrugged


"Yes and she hates nutella"

"Oh my gosh is she even a real person I mean if aliens really exists I'm sure they would kill us just to have nutella."

"I understand you. At first I didn't even believe it but it is true one time I gave her a sandwich that has nutella in it and she punched me in the face and I got black eye for one week."

"I can't believe this"

You didn't notice that as time passed this handsome boy in front of you was actually cool and quite nice.

You both have same interests and you just felt safe and secured when your with him. You didn't even notice that you were constantly staring at him.

He is just perfect.

One day you were about to move that is why you got to their house because later you would already be going.

"Hey y/c/n can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Of course. What is it about?"

"Were moving."

There was a long pause and silence surrounded you and you just wanted to break the tension.


"So that explains the moving Truck huh but this is a prank right cause if it is you really got me there with all the moving truck hahaha you got me." He faked laugh

"Hey it's okay were gonna see each other again anyway promise I will even call you or we could use face time."


"Y/c/n and there is one last thing that I should tell you."


"Well I kinda have a-"

"Y/N! LET'S GO!"


"What were you supposed to tell me?"

" Oh it's nothing. Bye y/c/n"

Tears were falling from your eyes like waterfalls and you can't even do anything to stop them. You just felt a pair of arms around you.

"It's okay. Just like you said we could always face time each other."

"I will miss you y/c/n."

After saying those words you can't just hold it you held him close and gave him one of your bear hugs.

"Hey I should go now."


After saying that he kissed your forehead and smiled at you.

You got inside your parents car and glance back at him. He was standing in front of his house that was just in front of your house I mean your old house.

You waved good bye and he did the same until you didn't see him.

~~(you imagine on how long you've been apart) Years later~~

"Good morning class so today we are joined by our transfere." He got inside and I was shocked by the most handsome man that I have ever laid my eyes on. It was y/c/n.

Hehe I just want to leave with a cliffhanger. Please don't forget to vote and comment. Just knowing that your reading my story makes my day and I thank you for that.

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