Confession prt 3

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Okay so first of all 1.2K VOTES EVERYBODY! Thank you so so much for those who voted and read Crush Imagines! You guys are the best and to show my gratitude here is an update and please read my authors note after this story. I just want to tell you guys something. Again THANK YOU SO SO MUCH I SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU GUYS!


I opened my eyes and saw y/c/n sleeping beside me.

I was surprised to see him sleeping beside me but if this happened a year ago I would've probably tickled him till he woke up and he would be chasing me to get his revenge. Moments like those wouldn't have ended if it wasn't for my confession.

We always did things together without the slightest feeling of awkwardness.

Well that was back then.

Back to the time where I kept this one sided love as my secret.

I didn't even realize that I was staring at him.

I could do this for the the whole day but I knew that any second those eyes of his will open and all of this will have to end.

And just like that those beautiful eyes of his opened and looked at my eyes.

I knew I had to look away because if I didn't I would probably say the words "I like him" again and right now the last thing that I would want to happen is that he will stay away from me again.

I was about to get out of bed when he grabbed my wrist.

I glanced at him with a questioning face.

"Can we just stay for five more minutes?"

I became a statue for 10 seconds but I composed myself and got back to bed.

For the last 5 minutes we were staring at each other's eyes like we were having a conversation using our eyes.


Aish! Why did it have to ring this time?

I broke eye contact and looked around for my phone.

Seconds later I saw my phone on the top of my desk.

I stood up and grabbed my phone but before I could reach it I already missed the call.

I checked my phone to see who it was and saw Moms number.

Before I could even call her back I received a text from her.


Y/n you just woke up and probably staring at y/c/n😜 but get up and prepare breakfast. You can stare at him after that. Love you 😘


My face heated up because of the text and it took me a minute before I could even recover from that.

My mom knew that I like y/c/n and she probably planned about this whole thing.

I decided that I can't do anything about it anyway so I just need to let it go.

I headed downstairs and prepared breakfast.

I just prepared bacon and eggs.

I already finished preparing and realized that y/c/n was still not here.

I went inside my room again and when I opened the door I saw him soundly sleeping on my bed.

Didn't we just had eye contact before I got out of the room?

Was I hallucinating earlier?

I walked to him planning on waking him up.

"Y/c/n wake up!"

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