Pool Party

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"Okay okay I'm coming"

"Tsk. I know it takes forever to decide on what to wear for your crush to notice you but hey you don't have to tell me that you're ready for a sec when you're taking an hour."

You were thinking if maybe it was your best  friends time of the month cause she is acting this way. Hmm but was I really taking that long for her to act this way?

"okay maybe I understand that I was taking so long and made you believe that I was going down for a sec so I guess I'm sorry"

She gave you a glare that meant that I should rephrase my sentence for her to stop glaring at you.

"Okay fine I'm sorry."

"Okay now that's settled we can go now I'm sure were dramatically late by now."

As you went to your friends pool party you were thinking on what would your crush look like but you're also sure that whatever he is wearing he is surely hot. You were wearing (imagine what you would wear at your friends pool party) that you were sure that will be both comfortable yet is pool party material for you.


"Hey y/n and y/bf/n you both look hot I'm so jealous." y/f/n said

"Thank you"

"Let's go the party has already started and they are all at the pool right now."

Both you and your best friend followed y/f/n and you immediately spotted your crush. You were gawking on him because of how hot he is  that you didn't notice that your friends were gone and already diving in the pool. You also dived in and enjoyed the night. You joined the games and even met some people.

After feeling that your need a rest you searched for a table and sat down staring at nowhere. You felt something or someone poking you but you didn't mind it thinking that he/she will leave you alone but sadly you thought wrong.

"UUHHH WOULD YOU MI-" You were shocked cause you didn't think that, that someone was your crush.

"Umm sorry if I disturbed you but I just wanted to talk to you if you don't mind? But I guess I was annoying you so I'm sorry and I'm gonna leave."

"Uh no no it's okay I was just surprised that someone especially you would talk to me."

"And why is that?"

"I guess because I'm not that pretty."

"Well your wrong cause every time you walk people always stop what they are doing and just admire you especially boys. That is why sometimes I just want to beat them up." your crush said while forming his hands into a fist.

"Why is that?" you ask innocently but kinda hoping that he acts this way because he likes you but no maybe he just doesn't want boys being perverted to girls.

"cause I like you" He casually said but you can see the sincerity in his eyes that makes you want to believe but you erased that thought and think that maybe he is just joking.

"Nice joke y/c/n you made me believe you in a sec you know." you said as you continue your fake laugh.

"So if you may excuse me I gotta go." You were about to leave but you felt someone pulling you by the wrist.

"y/n I'm not joking. I'm telling you the truth I have always had a crush on you but I was just afraid that will reject me so I kept it a secret."

You immediately smacked him in the head

"What was that for?" He asked still caressing the part that you hit.

"For being stupid because of not telling me how you really feel."

"I'm sorry I was just afraid that is why right now I'm telling you that I like you."

"Well dummy I also like you from the very first time that I met you till this day."  you said as you smiled widely.

"So y/n can I ask you out on a date?"


You saw the smile from his face to be replaced by a frown which made you smile even more.

"Bu-" you cut him off

"Cause you would still have to woo me if that is okay with you though?" you hopefully asked

"of course I would do anything for you."


Please vote for this story cause I would really appreciate it and thank you for reading and Hi to those silent readers.

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