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Your POV

"Y/C/N I have something to say..." 

"What is it y/n you seem anxious." y/c/n said 

"Umm y/c/n the truth is... I... l-like... y-you." 

*BOGSH* (Sorry for the sound effects though)

"Y/N TIME FOR SCHOOL!" I covered yourself with my blanket and was planning to sleep again.

"Y/N!!!" My mother shouted. 

I grunted

"Y/N!!!" She shouted again

"I'M AWAKE!" I shouted

"Good" My Mom said 

I just sighed and headed to the bathroom and fixed myself for school.

I finally finished preparing. 

I grabbed my stuff and headed to the Dining room and spotted y/c/n eating breakfast.

It has been a year since that incident happened. 

After telling him that I like him he asked me if I could wait for his answer cause he was not sure of his feelings. 

I had nothing else to do but nod at that time.

He told me that he hopes nothing would change and that he still wanted to be my best friend no matter what.

Of course I agreed the last thing that I wanted is to lose our friendship just because of my stupid feelings. I mean it's not stupid but you know what I mean.

"Y/N I know I'm handsome but there is no need to stare." He chuckled which caused me to roll my eyes at him.

"HA HA HA That is so funny y/c/n" I said with sarcasm.

"Tsk. come on just eat." He told me as if he owns the house.

I took my seat and started eating. 

This was like our daily routine he comes over at my house and we eat breakfast together since he's parents are always out of town and he tells me that he loves my Mom's cooking. Then after eating we go to school together.

We finally arrived and we took our seats. Just then our teacher arrives which means that class is starting.

For the entire class I was just day dreaming and I didn't even notice that the class ended.

Eventually the day ended with me not even knowing a single word that our professor taught us.

Y/c/n and I decided to go to the mall and just buy some stuff.

After 2 hours we finally bought everything that we needed and we decided to eat dinner.

"I'll just take our order y/n. What would you like to eat?" Y/c/n asked

"Um I'll just have noodles since it's raining outside."

"Sure thing I'll be right back."

"Thank you."

After 10 minutes y/c/n finally returned with our orders.

We were peacefully eating until we heard girls giggling at our side.

"Hey um my friend think that your cute." One of them said towards y/c/n.

"Really? And where is this friend of yours." He said with a playful smirk plastered on his lips but his attention was not at the girls talking. He is looking at me.

"Here she is her name is Rylie." The girl said.

"That is when y/c/n broke eye contact and looked at that girl Roley? Wait that doesn't sound right but who cares.

"Hey Riley nice to meet you " y/c/n said still having that playful smirk.

"Um... H-hi it's really nice to meet you." That girl Racey said.

"Um y/c/n I was just wondering if I could have your number so I could text you if we could hang out or something."

"Sure" y/c/n gave her his number.

While I was there. The pain was unbearable it hurts... a lot. It was like y/c/n was telling me that he will never like me in that way. I was so hurt that all I could do was to look at my lap. It was like I didn't even exist while they were talking earlier.

Hellooooo I'm not a ghost -_-  I maybe not that tall but I could still do things that tall people do well of course with the help of heels but that is not the point. The least that they could do was at least acknowledge my presence but nooo I was like thin air.

After dinner me and y/c/n decided to take a walk at the park.

"Y/n is something wrong?"

"Um... n-no" I was shocked by his sudden question.

How dare he ask if somethings wrong. He completely knows what's wrong!

"Let's go home." Y/c/n said

All I can do was nod. I don't have enough energy to do anything anyways.

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