Confession part 2

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I'm laying on my bed thinking if I should move on from y/c/n. I mean it's clear that he doesn't have feelings for me. Maybe he's having a hard time saying that he doesn't like me because just like me he doesn't want to ruin our friendship. Maybe I should move on.

+ The next day +

I was heading to my next class when someone grabbed my wrist. I turned around only to see Charles. 

"Hey y/n can I talk to you?"

"Sure. Can we talk later after class?"

"Sounds great see you later." He said waving goodbye with a smile on his face.


I continued walking curios on what Charles wanted to tell me. Charles is the school bad boy but he is really a cutie. He respects women and he is very protective of me. He is like the big brother that I never had.

I didn't even notice that I arrived at my next class until my friend called for me to seat next to her.

+ Time skipped +

Class ended well even when I had a hard time processing everything in my brain it was okay. Well at least I survived math and that's good enough for me cause in my case math has never been good for me.

I was fixing my things inside my locker and closed it after. I was surprised to see Charles leaning beside my locker.

"Gosh! You scared the shit out of me! Are you some kind of mushroom that pops out of nowhere?"

"I'm quite sure that I'm human y/n." He said chuckling.

"Well don't do that again you human mushroom." 

"Yes Ma'am" He said laughing again to my retort.

I was about to exit school when someone grabbed my wrist again.

"What's with people and wrist grabbing today?"

"Y/n where are you going?"

"Oh y/c/n sorry I forgot to tell you that I'm not walking home with you today. Charles has something to tell me." I explained.

"I'll go with you." Y/c/n said

"Don't worry dude I'll take care of her." Charles said

"Y/c/n don't worry I'll go home after we're done talking." I reassured him

"Fine." Y/c/n said walking out.

"What's wrong with him?" Charles asked

"I don't know." 

That was strange. I made a mental note to ask him later about this.

+ At the park +

"So Charles what did you want to talk about?"

"Well it's my birthday next week and I just wanted to invite you to my party."

"Sure I would love to be there. I wouldn't miss it."

"Thanks y/n" He hugged me and I returned it.

"No problem." I said as I released from the hug and smiled at him. He is such a cutie.

"Can y/c/n also come?"

I noticed that he was shocked but he quickly replaced it with a blank face.

"Sure if that's what you want."

"I didn't mean to be rude. It's okay if y/c/n can't come. It's you party anyways."

"It's fine. Let him come." His face hasn't changed he still has a blank face on.

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