Chapter 1: A new motionless student?

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"Oh shit, I'm late! " I bolted up and ran into my bathroom. Good thing my bathroom isn't slippery, or else I'm going to break my head.

After putting on my clothes, I ran downstairs and yell at the maid who was supposed to wake me up every day.

"Yah! Why didn't you wake me up?! You know I hate going to school late! And this is the first day of school, you idiot! " I yelled.

The maid bowed twice, "I-I'm sorry miss! But you told me to get out of your room. I'm really sorry! " she apologized.

"Ugh, whatever. Go take my bag and give it to me now. " I ordered, using a lightning speed to tie my shoes.

"Miss, the driver is waiting for you at the car porch. " the maid said.

"Are you kidding me? " I scoffed, "You want me to stuck in the traffic for about half an hour? No, I'm going to school myself. "

"But miss- "

I ignored her and grabbed my skateboard, stepping on it and skate to school which is not so far away.

Fortunately, I still have three minutes to get into class without writing my name in the 'late' list.

"A-Annyeonghasaeyo, sunbae. " a boy said, bowing to me.

"Hey. " I answered, running to my classroom.

"She's so cool! "
"I told you so! "
"Cant believe she said 'hey' to you, ah, I'm so envy of you! "

Pfftt, these kids.

I slide the door open. 28 pairs of eyed staring at me.

"What are you looking at?! " I snapped, making all of them look down immediately.

There's a guy, okay, a cute guy sitting at my seat. I never seen him before. He has a pale skin, blonde hair and a good body shape.

"Who's that? " I asked, yanking one of the boy's shirt.

"Um.. He's a new student. " he said.

I walked up to him, slamming my hand on the table. I expected he'll bolt up from the chair or at least startled a little, but no. All he did was giving me an emotionless face, and turn back to read his book.

That makes my blood boil. No one dared to do that to me. No one dared to ignore me.

"Yah, new student. " I snatched the book from his hands, "Get up now. This is my seat. "

I threw the book on the floor, waiting to see his reaction. But this guy is different! He's calm and motionless.

"I'll give you three seconds to get up or else you're going to eat my foot, pretty boy. " I hissed, "One. Two. Three- "

"Go ahead, try it. " he challenged.

The class made an 'oooh' sound. This is really shocking. No one dares to go against me. I'm the school's troublemaker! Everyone is scared of me, even the teachers. That is why they never give me detention even I didn't complete the homeworks given by them.

"What- "

Seriously, what's wrong with today? Why I was always interrupted or cut off?

"Everybody, get back to your seat. " the teacher said.

"Mr. Go, can you tell this fucking pale kid to scram? This is my seat. "

"Language, please, (Y/N). " the teacher said calmly, "Ah, come up here, introduce yourself. "

That new student took his bag and walked towards Mr. Go.

"Min Yoongi. " he said bluntly.

"Anything to add? Like your hobby, your old school- "

"No, sir. " that Yoongi guy said, cutting off Mr. Go's sentence.

"Okay then.. You may sit beside (Y/N). "

"What the fuck?! No! " I hollered.

"I would appreciate if you stop using vulgarities in my class, (Y/N). " Mr. Go said.

Yoongi calmly pulled the chair and sat down without saying a word.

"Did I say you can sit here? " I asked.

"Do I have to listen to you? " he asked me back.

"Oohh.. "

"You guys better shut up if y'all don't want to get a slap from me. " I warned. The class immediately go silent after my warning.

Mr. Go cleared his throat.
"Take out your Science textbook, we'll continue with page 61. "

"Sir, I haven't gotten my textbooks yet. " Yoongi said.

"Um... Well, you can share one with (Y/N). "

I'm going to break this teacher's car glass after school.

"I prefer not to. " he answered.

"Like hell I would share a book with you. " I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, new student. You can share with me if you don't mind. " my class monitor said.

"As long it's not that freaky girl, I wouldn't mind. "

The class snickered. Ah, my blood pressure is exploding!

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