Chapter 18: A brand new Me

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Flashback to yesterday... After I got home...

"Where the hell did you go? Why are you all wet? " my father asked in a stern voice.

"Does it matter to you, appa? " I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Of course it does, I'm your father. "

"Who I rarely see. " I murmured.

"I received tons of calls from the school, they said you've been bullying people and got into fights a few times. "

"Ah, so you finally asked me. " I scoffed.

"What is wrong with you, (Y/N)?! I did not raise you up for you to become a bully and a gangster! The school reported to me that you've been smoking too, where did you learn that from?! "

"Just to get you and eomma's attention, I guess? You guys barely treats me like I'm your child. " I said.

My father exhaled loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"We're busy, honey.. " his voice softened, giving me an apologetic look, "I'm sorry we didn't give you enough attention, but we work really hard for you, just to let you have a nice life. "

Maybe appa's right.. Maybe I was too selfish. I'm too inconsiderate towards my parents.

"Although appa and eomma are always far away from you, we still love you. " he said.

"Mianhae, appa. " I muttered, "I'm being too selfish. "

"I hope you understand our problems too, child. "

I nodded, stepping up the stairs and went into my room.

I spent the whole night, thinking about my attitude and the way I treated everyone.

Maybe this is why everyone hates me. Maybe this is why Yoongi doesn't likes me too. Maybe, I should change myself...

Flashback end...

I looked into the mirror, flashing a bright smile. This is it. This is the day I forget my old self, and become a brand new me.

I tied my hair up into a ponytail, which I usually don't, and walked out from my room, heading to the kitchen.

"Good morning. " I greeted the maid. She seemed to be shock, but she greeted me back.

"G-Good morning, Ms. (Y/N). What would you like for breakfast? " she asked.

"Hmm, a bowl of cereal and milk will do. I'm not in the mood for meat. " I said.

The maid placed everything I requested on the table and gave me a spoon.

"Thank you. "

She stared at me in disbelief, "Uh... Y-You're welcome? "

I chuckled, scooping up a spoonful of cereals and shoved it into my mouth.

At school...

"Good morning, noona. " a student said.

I smiled at him, "Morning. "

"Yah, did she just.. Smiled at me? "
"Omo, what's wrong with her? "
"Why did she ties her hair up? "

I brushed off their comments, picking up my pace and ran to my classroom.

"Morning, Nam Joon! " I beamed. Nam Joon overreacted when he saw me.

"Woah, are you going to kill me or something? Don't give me that smile, please. You're creeping me out. " he said.

"Yah, I was just being friendly. " I frowned.

"Well, you tied your hair up and greeted me with a wide grin, it scares me. " he chuckled.

"I want to stop being a bad girl. " I said.

"Do you have fever? " Nam Joon asked, putting his hand on my forehead.


"Arrasso, arrasso! I'm just kidding. " he said, "Nice to meet you, (Y/N), my long lost childhood friend. "

"What do you mean by long lost? " I asked in confusion.

"Ah, well.. You're a nice girl back then, but you changed after grade 7. " he answered.

"I hope you know why though. " I mumbled.

"Of course I do. I'm your closest friend! " he exclaimed.

Just then, Yoongi came into the classroom. He sat down beside me and kept his eyes on his table.

I wanted to say 'good morning' to him, but I remember what I said yesterday. I told him not to talk to me anymore. Aishh, the water must've got into my brain because I talked shits to Yoongi!

"Morning. " he suddenly said.

I looked at him, lips parting a little.

"Aren't you gonna greet me back? " Yoongo asked, smiling at me.

That smile.. He's making me fall for him once again.

"Morning, Yoongi. " I choked out, trying to hide the obvious blush on my cheeks.

"So.. The science project.. I finished it all by myself. " he said.

"Oh, thank you. Sorry I couldn't help you. " I said.

"It's okay. "

I smiled to myself. I'm glad I can talk to Yoongi again. About what I said yesterday? Those are bullshits. Why would I don't want to see Yoongi?

Recess time...

Yoongi and me and Nam Joon are walking together to the cafeteria. Both of them are teasing me about my sudden change of attitude and personality.

"You look funny when you tied your hair up. " Yoongi teased.

"Yah, stop it! " I pouted, smacking his hand away.

"I agree, you look nerdy. " Nam Joon said.

"I swear to God, one more word and I'll kick both of your ass. " I hissed.

"Nerd! " Nam Joon and Yoongi yelled, running away from me. I chased them down the hallway, but ended up panting heavily because they're too fast for me to catch up.

"Stop playing around and let's go. " Yoongi said, pushing me forward.

"You started it first! " I whined.

"Yoongi-yah ~ "

Yuna shot me a death glare before facing Yoongi.

"Let's go to the cafeteria together, okay? " she asked with an innocent face.

I never been so annoyed by her tone. I really want to punch her in the face right now.

"Sure. I'll catch up with you guys later. Bye. " Yoongi said. Yuna dragged Yoongi away from us.

"Uh-oh~ (Y/N)'s crush has been dragged away~ " Nam Joon mocked.

"Oh shut up. I'm not giving up easily. " I growled.

"Fighting, chingu!! " Nam Joon patted my shoulder, Kaja! "


"What's with the sour face? " I asked Yuna, who was poking her food with the fork in her hand.

"Nothing. " she answered.

"Just spill it. "

"You promised me not to be that close with (Y/N) right? " Yuna sighed.

"Ah, I'm sorry. But we're just friends, Yuna. " I said.

"I know, but— Ugh, whatever. " she grunted.

"Isn't she's your best friend? " I asked.

"Enough, Yoongi. If you want to take her side, go on. I'm out of here. " Yuna scoffed and walked away, dumping her food in the trash can.

"Yeah.. Why am I taking on her side? " I mumbled to myself.

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