Chapter 5: Unexpected

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"I heard she got into a fight again yesterday. " some student murmured.

"I wonder who lost. "

"Are you kidding me? Of course (Y/N) won. Who can win over her? " a student scoffed.

I glared at them before heading to my locker. When I swung open my locker, I saw a familiar figure coming towards my direction.

It was Yoongi, my sworn enemy.

He walked past me like I was invisible, and open his locker which is right beside mine, that's mean we're standing really close.

"Tsk, out of all people why it must be him? " I muttered under my breath, slamming the locker so hard that startled some of the students.

"Yah, wait. " Yoongi called out.

"What do you want, pale boy? " I snapped, glaring at him.

He rolled his eyes, grabbing my hand and put a plaster in my palm.

"You got a cut on your face. " he said, then walking off like nothing happened.

Why the hell would he gives me this? I thought he hates me so much, just like I do?

"Hey— "

"Morning, (Y/N)! " Yuna beamed.

"Oh, morning Yuna. " I said.

"Oh gosh, did you get into a fight, again? " she gasped.

I nodded, "They started it first. "

"But you're a girl, (Y/N). And you must act like a girl, not getting into fights every time. " Yuna sighed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. " I swatted my hand.

"What are you holding there? " Yuna asked, noticing my balled up fist.

"Oh, this. " I showed her the plaster, "That Min Yoongi is really weird. He hates me, yet he gave me this. "

Yuna's expression darkened a little.

"I see. Maybe he likes you? "

"What? Pfftt, that's bullshit. I would never like him back even if he likes me. "

"Yeah, he doesn't match your ideal type! " she exclaimed, "Let's head back to class. "

"Nah, I'm skipping class today. " I said, ready to go to the rooftop, but stopped by Yuna.

"Uh-uh, no. Not today. Stop skipping classes for you own sake. " she sighed.

"Fine! I only listen to you because you're my best friend. " I groaned.

"ㅋㅋㅋ~ " she giggled, "Come on. "


"Class, right after the mathematics quiz I gave you all before summer break, there's some students are going to change class. "

The class groaned, including me. I hope I passed this quiz because it's really exhausting changing class.

"Myungsoo, Seolhyun, Woo Bin, three of you are changing class. "

"Aww, come on! " Woo Bin whined, "What about Jongsuk?! I wanna be in the same class with him. We're inseparable, we're best friends for life. "

The girls squealed at their strong friendship.

"Yeah yeah, save that drama. Jongsuk will follow you too, I missed out his name just now. "

Both of them high-fived each other.

"And there's two students will come to our class. Come in, please. " the teacher said.

As the door slid open, Nam Joon and Jimin stepped into my class.

The girls half-yelled in disbelief as they saw Nam Joon and Jimin standing at the entrance.

"Hi, (Y/N)! " Jimin used his cute voice and yelled at me, waving his hand side to side.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring his presence, but smile at Nam Joon.

"Teacher, you wouldn't mind if I sit beside (Y/N) right? " Nam Joon asked.

Of course, the teacher let him because Nam Joon is also a troublemaker in our school.

"Thank you. " he said and walked towards me.

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