Chapter 17: Saved

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I'm just kidding.


What is she doing there? Why is she crying? Ah, it's not your problem, Min Yoongi, just go home.

I listened to my mind and turned my back, walking back to home. But before I could take another step, my heart was yelling me, go on and check her. Go ask her whether if she's okay.

I decided to follow my heart. But the moment I spun around to look for her, she was gone. I panicked, my mind was filled with negative thoughts.

I dashed to the spot where she was standing just now, took off my sweater and my shoes.

I dove into the river, searching for her. She was lying at the bottom, with her eyes closed. I immediately swam down and scooped her up, then kicking my feet hardly to bring both of us out from the water.

(Y/N) didn't move at all, and it was scaring me. I shook her body, yelling her name, hoping that she'll wake up, but she didn't.

I pressed my mouth to hers, doing the CPR, pumping her chest a few times. Thank God she finally sat up and coughed out water.

"Are you okay?! " I asked.

"W-Why are you here? " she asked in a weak voice.

"Gosh, you scared me! " I hugged her tightly, but she pushed me away.

"Why did you stop me?! Why?! " (Y/N) cried, "I'm supposed to end everything today! Fuck off! "

"Why the fuck do you want to end your life?! " I yelled, cupping her cheeks to let her face me, "Do you think that suicide can solve everything?! "

"Of course it does! I'm a nuisance to everyone! I can't live on anymore, Yoongi. I hate to see my parents were gone on their stupid business trip almost everyday, and whenever they come back, they'll fight. I never had a nice meal with my parents, they're fucking busy all the time. I hate to know that my best friend hates me so much, and say mean words to me! " she ranted.

I soften a little as I saw her crying so hard while ranting about her problems. I placed my hand on her shoulder, and stroked her cheek.

"It's gonna be okay, (Y/N). You don't have to end your life. " I said.

"No, Yoongi! You don't understand how much it hurts when the one you trusted a lot betrayed you! You don't understand how it feels! "

"I do, stop crying. "

"I like you god damn it! I fucking like you a lot, Min Yoongi! I swore that I would never fall for you even if you're the last person remain on Earth, but it turns out wrong! "

"You- What- " I was dumfounded. Did she just say that she likes me? A lot? So that's mean.. Yuna betrayed her? What the fuck happened?

"I know I'm not supposed to confess my feelings to you when my best friend, Yuna is dating you. But I just had to. I'm such a bitch. " she scoffed, "Just leave me alone, don't ever talk to me again. Don't even care about me anymore. "

And just like that, (Y/N) got up and ran away. I, of course, try to catch up with her, but I lost her after crossing two streets.

I hope she went home safely...

I was spacing out, staring at the ceiling, worried about (Y/N). My phone buzzed, suddenly bring me back to reality.

It was a KakaoTalk notification. And it's from Yuna.

Yuna: Hey Yoongi ~ What are you doing now?

Me: Hi. Just.. Spacing out, I guess?

Yuna: You guessed..? What's wrong? What happened? It seems like something is bothering you. :(

Me: Well.. Sorta. Hey, Yuna-yah, can I ask you something?

Yuna: Of course, boyfie <3

Me: Did you fight with (Y/N)?

Yuna: Why are you asking me this?

Me: Nothing, just curious..

Yuna: Yoongi-yah, can you not mention about (Y/N) anymore? I'm not being clingy or what.. But I'm your girlfriend, and I get jealous easily.. I don't like seeing you and her being so close. </3 *inserted pouting emoticon

Me: I won't talk about her if you don't like me to, don't worry. Sorry for making you jealous. Forgive me, okay?

Yuna: It's okay~ I have to sleep now, goodnight boyfie <3 I love you *inserted blushing emoticon

I love you..? Somehow, I just can't text her back 'I love you too'. Ugh, why I kept thinking of (Y/N)?!

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