Chapter 11: A night in the library

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"Damn! " Yoongi yelled in frustration, kicking the door hardly.

"Hello? Is somebody out there?! " I knocked the door repeatedly, which caused my hand to hurt a lot.

"It's useless. " he sighed in despair, running his fingers through his silky hair.

"Oh! Your phone! Give me your phone! Maybe we can call someone for help. " I said excitedly.

Yoongi passed me his phone and I immediately dialled Nam Joon's number. To my dismay, Nam Joon switched his phone off. Probably afraid of distraction while he was working on his songs.

"Why don't you call your mum or your family member? Tell them we're locked in. " Yoongi said.

I shook my head, "They won't pick up. "

A frown spreaded across my face. I tossed his phone back to him, "Why don't you call yours? "

"I.. I live alone. " he said, sighing loudly.

"Ah, what to do now.. Who should I call? " I mumbled, biting my nails nervously.

Beep beep

"W-What's happening?! " I tapped his phone screen several times, and the screen goes black.

"Ah, it's out of battery. " he said calmly.

"Why are you still calm at this time? " I groaned.

"Because you still have your phone? " Yoongi shrugged.

"Well mine is also out of battery. " I muttered.

"What?! Ah, fuck my life. I have to stuck with my enemy in here. " he groaned.

"Pfftt, do you think I'm happy that I stuck in here with you? " I scoffed.

The light goes off, darkness took over the library, blinding us.

"Omo omo, why did they turn off the lights?! " I yelled, tears escaping my eyes as I paced back and forth.

I hate staying in the dark. I couldn't sleep without any light source, I'll cry. And now, I'm crying.

"Yah, why is the mighty bad girl, the school's troublemaker is crying like a wimp? " Yoongi teased.

I stayed silence, hugging my knees as I sat down of the floor with my heart thumping fastly.

"Hey, are you okay? " he asked.

"I'm not! " I cried out, "I'm afraid of the dark! "

Unexpected, Yoongi embraced me, our bodies sticking so close, and I don't even know why I didn't push him away.

Maybe I was too afraid at that time.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here. " Yoongi whispered, stroking my hair slowly.

I clutched on his shirt tightly, slowly calming down.

"W-Why are you being nice to me while I'm being mean to you? " I blurted out. I just had to ask him.

"You wanna know why I'm treating you like that? " he questioned.

I nodded, "Yes. "

"I hate to see you bullying those weak students. I hate to see you getting into fights. Why can't you just be like Kim Yuna? Try to be nice, try to be like her. You're a girl, (Y/N). "

I couldn't help but felt a tiny jealousy building up in me when he said Yuna's name. What's wrong with me?

"You can't change a person, Yoongi. This is me. " I said.

He sighed, gently pushing me away from his chest.

"Yeah, you're (Y/N). "

"And you'll never be like Yuna. " he whispered.

"Hmm? "

"Nothing. " Yoongi said.

"Oh, and Yoongi.. Do you.. Like Yuna? " I asked, curiosity took over me.

"I don't know. "

"Stop beating around the bushes, just answer my question. " I said.

"I like her. From the moment I laid my eyes on her, I like her a lot. I wanted to know more about her. " Yoongi said, his lips curving up into a smile.

Okay, I won't deny my feelings anymore. I think I like Yoongi. Because the moment Yuna's name fell out from his mouth, I felt like my heart has been stabbed by knives.

"Ah. "

"Can you not tell her this first? Keep this secret. " Yoongi said.

"Okay. I won't tell her. "

And that's mean I have zero chance. Hah, how great.

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