Last Chapter: So much for my happy ending

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"I'm home. " I said as I stepped into my house.

"Come here. " my father said, gesturing me to sit on the couch across him.

"What is it, appa? " I asked lazily.

"Me and your mother decided to leave Seoul and migrate to New York. We'll start a new life there, a better life. " he said.

My heart sank as he finished his sentence. I stood up, clenching my fist tightly.

"No, I don't want to leave Seoul. "

"You don't have a choice, (Y/N). " my father said.

"Why can't you just let me stay here?! I don't want to go to New York! " I cried, tears pouring down.

"That's it! " he hissed, "We will leave in a week, no more protesting because it's pointless. "

And with that, he left me alone, standing in the living room and cry like a baby. Is God playing with me now? I finally had the chance to date Yoongi, that awesome human, but now I have to separate from him?

I ran up to my room, slamming the door so hard and slid down against the door, with my palm covering my mouth. Sobs escaping my lips while my tears are rolling down my cheeks unstoppable.

How should I tell Yoongi? I want to stay with him forever, I don't want to leave him. I love him. What would Yoongi says if I told him about this? Should I just break up with him before any of us could get hurt?

I can take all the pain myself.

I hesitated, my thumb swiped across my phone screen, hands shaking like it was on vibrate mode when I saw Yoongi's contact.

I was thinking should I tap that little green phone icon, and tell Yoongi all about this? No, I can't. I can't do this anymore. How I wanted to cling on Yoongi and cry and tell him I'm leaving Seoul next week.

"Y-Yoongi-yah.. Mianhae. " I whispered to myself.


Yoongi had send me lots of texts, but I didn't reply him. I couldn't accept the fact that I need to migrate to New York.

How do I live without Yoongi by my side?

I stayed in my room for the whole day, looking out at the window, seeing the sky turning yellow and slowly, turning dark.

I refused to eat anything, or even step out from my room. My lips were dry as hell since I didn't drink any water.

"Miss, there is someone here name Yoongi wants to see you. " one of my maid said, knocking on my door.

"Shit. Why is he here?! " I cursed, "Tell him to wait at the living room. " I told my maid.

"Okay, miss. "

I walked downstairs, seeing Yoongi sitting on the couch with a worried expression.

"What happened?! Why didn't you pick up my calls or at least reply to my texts?! " he asked, holding both of my shoulder tightly.

"Y-Yoongi-yah.. I really like you a lot, no, I love you a lot, but I think it's the best if we break up. " I stammered, tears threatening to spill.

"What? " he asked in disbelief, "(Y/N), what the fuck happened to you? Please tell me why are you doing this? Why? "

I pushed his hands away, "I'm leaving Korea in a week. "

"So? Is this the reason why you want to break up with me? " he scoffed.

"I can't come back anymore. Me and my family are migrating to New York. " I cried out.

"Distance can't tear us apart, (Y/N). You and I went through so many hardships, and we finally are together, are you willing to give up just like this? " Yoongi asked in a soft voice.

"I don't want to, Yoongi. But I know long-distant relationship won't last long. I think it's the best for us to break up- "

"Shut it! " he yelled, startling me. Yoongi cupped my cheeks and kissed me roughly. I felt something wet touched my face, and then I realized.. It was Yoongi's tears. He's crying.

"Don't break up with me, please. " Yoongi cried, his forehead leaning against mine, "We can work it out, (Y/N). "

"We can't- "

"Believe me. Please. I'm begging you. " he pleaded, his voice was so desperate, and I felt guilty for breaking his heart.

"I don't know, Yoongi. I'm fucking frustrated right now. " I said, "Just go. We should end this here. "

"No, (Y/N), don't do this to me. "

I squirmed out from his embrace, running up to my room and locked the door behind.

"I'm sorry Yoongi. " I whispered, hugging my knees while crying out loud.

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