Chapter 15: Tell me the truth, Yuna

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I looked at both of them. They never been so close together. I was on the verge of crying, seeing my crush and my best friend together, but I promised Nam Joon. I won't cry. I have to stay strong.

"I wonder when she's going to tell me that she's dating Yoongi. " I said to Nam Joon, who was walking beside me.

"Why do you want her to tell you? " he asked.

"Best friends never keep secrets from each other, Nam Joon. " I said.

"I never thought she's your best friend. Best friend never betrays each other. " Nam Joon scoffed, "Just like me. "

"I don't know how should I react when Yuna talks to me. I can't be mad at her, but I feel sad when I saw them together. "

"Sometimes I just don't understand girls. " he said.

"I'll wait for her to tell me. Like I said, best friends won't keep secrets from each other. "


"Yah, when are we gonna continue the Science project? " Yoongi suddenly asked after poking my arm.

"Just tell me what should I do, we don't have to do it together. " I said coldly after slapping his hand away.

Yoongi stayed silent, staring at me in confusion.

I stood up, walking out from the class before the teacher comes in. I went to my usual spot, the rooftop.

It's nice to be alone sometimes, just to get away from everyone for a moment.

I took out a lighter and a cigarette, lit it up and put the cigarette into my mouth.

"You should stop smoking. " a voice said from behind.

I immediately know the owner of the voice. Scoffing, I turned my body to face him.

"Who are you to me? Do I need to listen to everything you say? Why should I take your orders? You have no rights to ask me to stop smoking, Min Yoongi. " I spat, tears rolling down my cheeks without noticing.

He took a step near me, brushing his thumb over my cheeks and wiped off the tears.

"Why are you crying? Of course I do have the right to stop you, (Y/N). " Yoongi said calmly, "Aren't we friends? "

I stepped backwards, leaving a huge gap between us.

"Stop playing with my heart, Yoongi. Just, stop! " I yelled, pushing him away and ran down from the rooftop.

I don't know but, I think I'm really pathetic because I'm silently sobbing in the washroom. It's my first time crying over a guy I like- No, I love, and probably the last time.

I'm such a shame.

Thud thud thud

Someone repeatedly banged the door hardly.

"Fuck off! " I screamed.

"It's me, Yuna. " she said.

I hesitated before opening the door. As the door was opened, she pulled me out.

"Why are you here crying?! I saw Nam Joon running around the school just to find you, and you're nowhere to be found, so I decided to help him, and I'm right, you're here. What are you doing, crying alone in the washroom? What if you passed out? " Yuna said.

"Why do you care, Kim Yuna? "

"We're best friends- "

"Bullshit. Best friends? Why would you do that if you're really my best friend? " I cried.

"Do.. What? " she asked innocently.

"Tell me the truth, Yuna. Just tell me whatever you've been hiding from me. " I muttered.

"I don't understand what you're talking about, (Y/N). Let's get out of here first, alright? " she tried to grabbed my hand and pulled me out from the washroom, but I slapped her hand away.

"How could you? " I stared at her in disbelief, "How could you act like nothing happened after what you did to me? "

Yuna didn't say anything, but crossed her arms together, and looked at me with an amused expression.

"I see you found out I'm dating, Min Yoongi, your crush. Oh wait, he's no longer your crush. " she mocked.

"I always thought you're my best friend ever since I met you. You've always been there for me when I face hardships, we shared every of our secrets, and most importantly, we promised not to betray each other! "

"I liked him first, (Y/N). You don't deserve him, I do. We're a perfect match, how can you even like him? Puh-lease, Yoongi hates you. So stop being pathetic and clingy to my boyfriend, Min Yoongi. He's mine, you heard me? " Yuna changed from 0-100 real quick.

I don't even know who's this girl standing in front of me. She's far different from the Kim Yuna I knew. What happened to her? How could she say these hurtful words to me, her best friend?

"Do you think I like you? Pfft, hell no, girl. With that attitude of yours? No one likes you, (Y/N). Do you think you're that great, bullying and getting into fights? Do you think I'm afraid of you? Do you even think that I see you as a BEST FRIEND? Heol, grow up. " Yuna scoffed, walking out from the washroom.

"I hate you, Kim Yuna. I fucking hate you. " I hissed, shaking in anger, lifting up my hand in the air, ready to slap her.

"Wanna slap me? Oh, go ahead. See what will everyone says. Ah, how could (Y/N) slap her own 'best friend'? " she said, emphasizing the two fucking words.

"Enough. "

Both of us snapped our heads to the door, it was Nam Joon. He gave Yuna one last glare before dragging me out from the washroom.

"Are you okay? Did she hurt you anywhere? " he asked.

I nodded, pointing to my chest.

"Yes. She hurted my heart. Honestly, Nam Joon, I can let her have Yoongi, only if she tells me nicely. But things don't go as I expected. Everything. Everything she's been hiding from me, she finally told me. And I can't even accept the fact that she hates me, all along. "

"Aigoo, I heard everything. " Nam Joon sighed, embracing me, "You know, it's better to know the truth. Now you lost one of your so-called 'best friend', you still have me, Kim Nam Joon, the sexy rap God. " he smirked, patting my back.

"Thank you, Nam Joon. Thank you for comforting me. " I whispered, hugging him back.

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