Chapter 22: The reason why // First Kiss

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I was dragged to the hallway by Yoongi. There's no student except us since everyone is in the class now.

"Are you okay? " Yoongi asked, brushing his thumbs against my cheeks lightly, which caused me to hiss in pain when he brushed pass where Yuna slapped me just now.

"What's wrong? " he got panick, "Are you hurt? "

"Yeah. I'm fine, it's just a little cut. I had get worser wound than this tiny cut on my face. " I said, scoffing.

"Do you wanna skip classes today? " Yoongi questioned.

"Wow, aren't you the good boy who never skips class? " I teased, nudging his waist.

"Ugh, quit it. " he rolled his eyes and once again dragged me to the usual spot where I always hung out— The rooftop.

"Why did you bring me here? " I asked, staring up to the blue sky while sitting on the bench.

"Want to know you more, I guess? " Yoongi shrugged, sighing as he sat down beside me.

"Then go ahead, ask me what you're curious. " I said.

"I know you must have a reason why are you acting so bad back then. " Yoongi muttered, "And I want you to tell me. Ah, I'm so curious. "

"Sure. " I answered.

Le flashback to you when you're grade 6...

"Hah, how ugly is she! " a girl pushed me forward, making me fall in the mud.

"Do you think that you can fit in with our squad? Tsk, how funny. " a fat boy laughed sarcastically, clapping his hands.

"I never saw her parents. She must be an orphan. " they all laughed.

I stood up with shaky legs, trying to get away from them, but ended up fall down again.

"How weak. " the girl spat, kicking me in my stomach.

I didn't know what I do to make them hate me so much. I don't want to cry in front of them, they'll laugh at me. But I failed. I still can't hold back my tears.

After they left me, I ran back home. I wanted to ask for help, I wanted to tell my parents about this. But still, as usual, they're not at home.

The maids saw my condition and quickly heal my wound. One of them called my father, and put me on the phone.

"A-Appa— "

"What now? I'm in the middle of meeting, can't talk now. Bye. " he hung up, just like that.

I tried to call my mother too, but I cannot reach to her. That day, I hid inside my room and cried all day long.

I told myself: I can't rely anyone. I have to stand up for myself. After that incident, I'm not afraid of anyone, anymore.

I bullied those who bullied me, I started to bully the weaks. I got into my first fight with a girl in grade 7, and that shocked everyone because the girl was hurt so badly— physically and mentally.

I thought this method will get attentions from my parents, but they don't even give a shit about me. All they care was money, work, and money.

So it kinda stuck till now. Everyone in high-school is afraid of me, (Y/N).

Le flashback ends...

"Ah.. Sorry I misjudged you. " Yoongi mumbled awkwardly, holding my hand in his.

"It's okay. " I said.

"You've been through so much hardships.. I felt so sorry for you. " Yoongi said, his hands travelled up to my cheeks, caressing them softly.

I bit my bottom lip, fighting the urge to cry.

'God damn it, (Y/N)! Stop crying! ' I yelled in my mind.

Am I hallucinating or is it real that Yoongi's face is moving closer and closer to mine? Our lips barely touched, we were just sitting in an awkward position. I pulled back myself, but Yoongi held his hand on the back of my neck, pushing me closer.

"I'm sorry. " he whispered before kissing me deeply, his left arm placed around my waist. My mind was hazy, I was shocked because he did that. After a few seconds, I finally found the strength to kiss him back.

I placed both of my hands on his shoulders, deepening the kiss. If we're busted kissing now, we would be in much trouble. But fortunately, we ended the kiss without any interruptions.

"I like you. " Yoongi said, flashing his gummy smile, which makes me squeal in the inside.

I poked his cheek with my index finger, "You look cute when you smile. "

"So do you. " he replied, embracing me tightly.

Omfg this is so weird I'm sorry not sorry bai.

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