Chapter 11

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"Valerie!"- I woke up too Dallas shaking me awake. He grabbed out of the bed, and I was currently feeling the effects of a very bad hangover. A mirror was directly in front of me, and my clothes were wrinkled and my make-up smudged from the night before. 

"Why did you wake me up?" My voice was groggy, and I wanted to slip back into bed with Soda.
"Shh, you don't gotta wake everyone up. But I figure you got to get home, I wouldn't be shocked if your folks haven't called the fuzz by now.

"Oh fuck it," I said. "What time is it anyways?"

"Past nine man, I mean I would have let you sleep in but I don't think that would do you any good."
I got up from the bed, and looked in the mirror seeing my hair was a mess and I had literally sweated through all my clothes. It was a good thing soda was sleeping so he wouldn't see me like this. 

"Okay, let's go then. But could you be more quiet, I don't want to wake anyone up. 

"Whatever you say!" Dally said really loud, ignoring my request.

For 9am, it was already incredibly hot outside. I felt extremely terrible, but I didn't know it was for drinking too much or feeling guilty for getting too drunk.
"So, whats going on with you?" I asked Dallas, trying to break the silence.
"Nothing. Same old." Dallas turned away from me. I wonder if he did get a lot of questions about his life.
"There's gotta be something. New girlfriend? Another fight? " I asked chuckling.
"Well in that department, nothing. All the chicks in this town are fucking trash." Maybe he was still bitter about his last girlfriend.
"Yikes, that's degrading." I laughed a little. Soda was quite the opposite.
"Don't worry, I still fuck them." He said very proudly.
"Even more degrading. Didn't your parents ever teach you how to treat a women?"
"Nah, you don't know me to well, do you?" I didn't really know him all that well, But I did take an educated case that none of these guys had parents, besides the Curtis's cause I knew that. Or if the others did have ones, they were pretty lousy. 

"I guess not." I sighed looking at Dallas. Everyone always made him sound like he was the worst guy to walk the streets of Tulsa. But he wasn't that bad, or else I wouldn't be walking with him over fear of getting murdered.

I never asked soda's opinion on dally. While I assumed they  had each other's back, there was a difference in being friends and having to respect eachother. Nobody would mess with Dallas.

Dallas and soda were so different from eachother. Soda had feelings, lots of them actually. He cared and he wasn't very good at hiding his emotions. Dally didn't care about anything or anyone. And he never showed any type of emotion. It didn't really fit his image.

I turned over the corner to see my house down the street. The lights were on, so my parents were already awake. I prayed they just thought I had slept in or something.

"Ugh, my neighbors are out." I whispered to dally. My neighbors were these old grandma and grandpa who were to stuck up in everyone's business. Hopefully if I looked the other way they wouldn't even notice.

"What's wrong with them?" Dally asked back.

"They are so fucking noisy. It's annoying and I-" I stopped because of a sinking feeling in my stomach. I knew my stomach had been hurting since I got up, but I didn't think I was actually gonna vomit. All that nasty shit I drank yesterday now I was throwing up on the side of the sidewalk all over my neighbors yard. Just fucking great. 

"You didn't even drink that much man." Dally said laughing. He didn't even help me.
"I had like the same as you. And you don't see me a mess" Dally  turned away, not trying to look at it. I felt so awful and I couldn't even get up. I was desperately laying on the road. Hopefully nobody drives by. "Will you get up already? Your making such a scene. " Dally had no compassion what so ever. 

"Ugh I can't" I groaned. From this day forward I will never drink any beer again. And then I started feeling like throwing up again.
"Dally, can you help me up? Please."
"What happened to you dear?" My neighbors noticed and were rushing over. Oh great.
When I tried to stand upand couldn't , dally swooped over and picked me up bridal style. He started walking back to my house.
"I'm fine, just a little accident," I managed to croak out.
"Do you need us to call your parents?", Becky the old lady who planted way to many flowers asked, walking down the street towards my house.

"There's no need for that, really" I said lying back. Dally was carrying me very delicately and easily. Soda always dropped me.
I looked back at my neighbors and realized I should have cleaned the mess. Oh well.
"Is your window open?" Dallas asked, approaching my back yard.
"Yes Dally," I whispered. I turned my head in. Yikes, his shirt reeked of smoke.
"Your lucky I have a slide glass door" I joked. Dally quietly walked into my room, looking around. It was pretty girly and pink. 

"And I thought you were pretty tough." Dally chucked. My room really needed an upgrade. Dally layed me into my bed. It felt great, I soaked it all in and stretched and threw the blankets over me.
I almost instantly fell asleep when I saw dally going out the window.
"Wait, Dallas... Thank you." I quietly said, because I thought I heard footsteps in the hallway.
"You owe me!" He said, and he left.

WELL THAT TOOK 10 years to update. VOTE.

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